interface documentation

Mutable HTTP entity headers.

Method addValue Add the given header name/value pair.
Method remove Remove all header name/value pairs for the given header name.

Inherited from IHTTPHeaders:

Method getValues Get the values associated with the given header name.
Attribute rawHeaders Raw header data as a tuple in the from: ((name, value), ...). name and value are bytes. Headers are provided in the order that they were received. Headers with multiple values are provided as separate name and value pairs.
def addValue(name, value): (source)

Add the given header name/value pair.

If the given name is bytes, the value must also be bytes.

If the given name is str, it will be encoded as ISO-8859-1, and the value, which must also be str, will be encoded as ISO-8859-1.

def remove(name): (source)

Remove all header name/value pairs for the given header name.

If the given name is str, it will be encoded as ISO-8859-1 before comparing to the (bytes) header names.

name:AnyStrThe name of the header to remove.