class documentation

class MemorySession: (source)

Implements interfaces: klein.interfaces.ISession

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An in-memory session.

Method authorize Authorize each interface by calling back to the session store's authorization callback.
Instance Variable authenticatedBy A SessionMechanism indicating what mechanism was used to authenticate this session.
Instance Variable identifier str identifying a session.
Instance Variable isConfidential A bool indicating whether this session mechanism transmitted over an encrypted transport, i.e., HTTPS. If True, this means that this session can be used for sensitive information; otherwise, the information contained in it should be considered to be available to attackers.
Instance Variable _authorizationCallback Undocumented
Instance Variable _components Undocumented
def authorize(self, interfaces): (source)

Authorize each interface by calling back to the session store's authorization callback.

authenticatedBy: SessionMechanism = (source)

A SessionMechanism indicating what mechanism was used to authenticate this session.

identifier: str = (source)

str identifying a session.

This value should be:

  1. unique - no two sessions have the same identifier
  2. unpredictable - no one but the receipient of the session should be able to guess what it is
  3. opaque - it should contain no interesting information
isConfidential: bool = (source)

A bool indicating whether this session mechanism transmitted over an encrypted transport, i.e., HTTPS. If True, this means that this session can be used for sensitive information; otherwise, the information contained in it should be considered to be available to attackers.

_authorizationCallback: _authCB = (source)


_components: Componentized = (source)
