class documentation

class DanglingField(Field): (source)

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A dangling field that, for some reason, doesn't remember its own name when told.

Method maybeNamed Create a new Field like this one, but with all the name default values filled in.

Inherited from Field:

Class Method hidden Shorthand for a hidden field.
Class Method number An integer within the range [minimum, maximum].
Class Method password Shorthand for a form field that, like text, contains a short string, but should be obscured when typed (and, to the extent possible, obscured in other sensitive contexts, such as logging.)
Class Method submit A field representing a submit button, with a value (displayed on the button).
Class Method text Shorthand for a form field that contains a short string, and will be rendered as a plain <input>.
Method asTags Convert this Field into some stuff that can be rendered in a twisted.web.template.
Method extractValue Extract a value from the request.
Method registerInjector Register this form field as a dependency injector.
Method validateValue Validate the given text and return a converted Python object to use, or fail with ValidationError.
Instance Variable converter The converter.
Instance Variable default Undocumented
Instance Variable error Undocumented
Instance Variable formFieldName Undocumented
Instance Variable formInputType Undocumented
Instance Variable formLabel Undocumented
Instance Variable noLabel Undocumented
Instance Variable pythonArgumentName Undocumented
Instance Variable required Undocumented
Instance Variable value Undocumented
def maybeNamed(self, name): (source)

Create a new Field like this one, but with all the name default values filled in.

name:strthe name.