class documentation

Tests for utilities that access data from the "headers tartare" internal representation.

Method getValues Look up the values for the given header name from the given raw headers.

Inherited from GetValuesTestsMixIn:

Method headerNormalize Test hook for the normalization of header text values, which is a behavior Twisted has changed after version 18.9.0.
Method test_getBytesName getValues returns an iterable of bytes values for the given bytes header name.
Method test_getInvalidNameType getValues raises TypeError when the given header name is of an unknown type.
Method test_getTextName getValues returns an iterable of str values for the given str header name.
Method test_getTextNameBinaryValues getValues returns an iterable of str values for the given str header name.

Inherited from TestCase:

Method assertProvides Assert that a object provides an interface.
def getValues(self, rawHeaders, name): (source)

Look up the values for the given header name from the given raw headers.

This is called by the other tests in this mix-in class to allow test cases that use it to specify how to perform this look-up in the implementation being tested.
