class documentation

Tests for KleinResource's implementation of == and !=.

Method anInstance Return an instance of the class under test. Each call to this method must return a different object. All objects returned must be equal to each other.
Method anotherInstance Return an instance of the class under test. Each call to this method must return a different object. The objects must not be equal to the objects returned by anInstance. They may or may not be equal to each other (they will not be compared against each other).
Class _Another Undocumented
Class _One Undocumented
Class Variable _another Undocumented
Class Variable _one Undocumented

Inherited from EqualityTestsMixin:

Method test_anotherTypeEq The object does not compare equal to an object of an unrelated type (which does not implement the comparison) using the == operator.
Method test_anotherTypeNe The object compares not equal to an object of an unrelated type (which does not implement the comparison) using the != operator.
Method test_delegatedEq The result of comparison using == is delegated to the right-hand operand if it is of an unrelated type.
Method test_delegateNe The result of comparison using != is delegated to the right-hand operand if it is of an unrelated type.
Method test_differentEq Two objects that are not equal to each other do not compare equal to each other using the == operator.
Method test_differentNe Two objects that are not equal to each other compare not equal to each other using the != operator.
Method test_identicalEq An object compares equal to itself using the == operator.
Method test_identicalNe An object doesn't compare not equal to itself using the != operator.
Method test_sameEq Two objects that are equal to each other compare equal to each other using the == operator.
Method test_sameNe Two objects that are equal to each other do not compare not equal to each other using the != operator.
def anInstance(self): (source)

Return an instance of the class under test. Each call to this method must return a different object. All objects returned must be equal to each other.

Callable[[], KleinResource]Undocumented
def anotherInstance(self): (source)

Return an instance of the class under test. Each call to this method must return a different object. The objects must not be equal to the objects returned by anInstance. They may or may not be equal to each other (they will not be compared against each other).

Callable[[], KleinResource]Undocumented
_another = (source)


_one = (source)
