class documentation

Tests for FrozenHTTPResponse.

Class Method messageFromBytes Return a new instance of an IHTTPMessage implementation using the given bytes as the message body.
Static Method responseFromBytes Undocumented
Method test_initInvalidBodyType FrozenHTTPResponse raises TypeError when given a body of an unknown type.
Method test_interface FrozenHTTPResponse implements IHTTPResponse.

Inherited from FrozenHTTPMessageTestsMixIn:

Class Method messageFromFountFromBytes Return a new instance of an IHTTPMessage implementation using a fount containing the given bytes as the message body.
Method test_bodyAsBytesFromBytes bodyAsBytes returns the same bytes given to __init__.
Method test_bodyAsBytesFromBytesCached bodyAsBytes called twice returns the same object both times, when created from bytes.
Method test_bodyAsBytesFromFount bodyAsBytes returns the bytes from the fount given to __init__.
Method test_bodyAsBytesFromFountCached bodyAsBytes called twice returns the same object both times, when created from a fount.
Method test_bodyAsFountFromBytes bodyAsFount returns a fount with the same bytes given to __init__.
Method test_bodyAsFountFromBytesTwice bodyAsFount raises FountAlreadyAccessedError if called more than once, when created from bytes.
Method test_bodyAsFountFromFount bodyAsBytes returns the bytes from the fount given to __init__.
Method test_bodyAsFountFromFountTwice bodyAsFount raises FountAlreadyAccessedError if called more than once, when created from a fount.
Method test_interface_message Message instance implements IHTTPMessage.

Inherited from TestCase:

Method assertProvides Assert that a object provides an interface.
def messageFromBytes(cls, data=b''): (source)

Return a new instance of an IHTTPMessage implementation using the given bytes as the message body.

def responseFromBytes(data=b''): (source)


def test_initInvalidBodyType(self): (source)

FrozenHTTPResponse raises TypeError when given a body of an unknown type.

def test_interface(self): (source)