class documentation
Method test_authorization When Requirer.require is used with Authorization and the session knows how to supply that authorization, it is passed to the object.
Method test_authorizationDenied When Requirer.require is used with an Authorization and the session does not know how to supply that authorization, the callable is not invoked.
Method test_cookiesTurnedOff If cookies can't be set, then procureSession raises NoSuchSession.
Method test_procuredTooLate If you start writing stuff to the response before procuring the session, when cookies need to be set, you will get a comprehensible error.
Method test_procurementSecurity Once a session is negotiated, it should be the identical object to avoid duplicate work - unless we are using forceInsecure to retrieve the insecure session from a secure request, in which case the result should not be cached.
Method test_unknownSessionCookieGET Unknown session IDs in cookies will result in a new session being created.
Method test_unknownSessionCookiePOST Unknown session IDs in cookies for POST requests will result in a NoSuchSession error.
Method test_unknownSessionHeader Unknown session IDs in auth headers will be immediately rejected with NoSuchSession.
def test_authorization(self): (source)

When Requirer.require is used with Authorization and the session knows how to supply that authorization, it is passed to the object.

def test_authorizationDenied(self): (source)

When Requirer.require is used with an Authorization and the session does not know how to supply that authorization, the callable is not invoked.

def test_cookiesTurnedOff(self): (source)

If cookies can't be set, then procureSession raises NoSuchSession.

def test_procuredTooLate(self): (source)

If you start writing stuff to the response before procuring the session, when cookies need to be set, you will get a comprehensible error.

def test_procurementSecurity(self): (source)

Once a session is negotiated, it should be the identical object to avoid duplicate work - unless we are using forceInsecure to retrieve the insecure session from a secure request, in which case the result should not be cached.

def test_unknownSessionCookieGET(self): (source)

Unknown session IDs in cookies will result in a new session being created.

def test_unknownSessionCookiePOST(self): (source)

Unknown session IDs in cookies for POST requests will result in a NoSuchSession error.

def test_unknownSessionHeader(self): (source)

Unknown session IDs in auth headers will be immediately rejected with NoSuchSession.