class documentation


Method __init__ Undocumented
Method connectionLost Called when TCP connection has been lost
Instance Variable pdnsProto Undocumented

Inherited from LDAPClient:

Method bind @depreciated: Use e.bind(auth).
Method connectionMade TCP connection has opened
Method dataReceived Undocumented
Method handle Undocumented
Method send Send an LDAP operation to the server. @param op: the operation to send @type op: LDAPProtocolRequest @param controls: Any controls to be included in the request. @type controls: LDAPControls @return: the response from server @rtype: Deferred LDAPProtocolResponse...
Method send_multiResponse Send an LDAP operation to the server, expecting one or more responses.
Method send_multiResponse_ex Send an LDAP operation to the server, expecting one or more responses.
Method send_noResponse Send an LDAP operation to the server, with no response expected.
Method startTLS Start Transport Layer Security.
Method unbind Undocumented
Method unsolicitedNotification Undocumented
Class Variable berdecoder Undocumented
Class Variable debug Undocumented
Instance Variable buffer Undocumented
Instance Variable connected Undocumented
Instance Variable onwire Undocumented
Method _cbStartTLS Undocumented
Method _handle_bind_msg Undocumented
Method _send Undocumented
Method _startTLS Undocumented
def __init__(self, pdnsProto): (source)
def connectionLost(self, reason): (source)

Called when TCP connection has been lost

pdnsProto = (source)
