class documentation

class InMemoryLDIFProtocol(ldifprotocol.LDIF): (source)

View In Hierarchy

Receive LDIF data and gather results into an ReadOnlyInMemoryLDAPEntry. You can override lookupFailed and addFailed to provide smarter error handling. They are called as Deferred errbacks; returning the reason causes error to pass onward and abort the whole operation. Returning None from lookupFailed skips that entry, but continues loading. When the full LDIF data has been read, the completed Deferred will trigger.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method addFailed Undocumented
Method connectionLost Undocumented
Method gotEntry Undocumented
Method lookupFailed Undocumented
Instance Variable completed Undocumented
Instance Variable db Undocumented
Method _addEntry Undocumented
Instance Variable _deferred Undocumented

Inherited from LDIF:

Method lineReceived Undocumented
Method logicalLineReceived Undocumented
Method parseValue Undocumented
Method state_HEADER Undocumented
Method state_IN_ENTRY Undocumented
Method state_WAIT_FOR_DN Undocumented
Class Variable delimiter Undocumented
Class Variable version Undocumented
Instance Variable data Undocumented
Instance Variable dn Undocumented
Instance Variable lastLine Undocumented
Instance Variable mode Undocumented
Method _parseLine Undocumented
def __init__(self): (source)


def addFailed(self, reason, entry): (source)


def connectionLost(self, reason): (source)
def gotEntry(self, entry): (source)
def lookupFailed(self, reason, entry): (source)


completed = (source)



def _addEntry(self, db, entry): (source)


_deferred = (source)
