class documentation


Method __gt__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Initialize the object.
Method __lt__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method addChild Undocumented
Method children List the direct children of this entry. Try to avoid using .search(), as this will be used later to implement .search() on LDAP backends.
Method commit Send all pending changes to the LDAP server.
Method delete Delete this object from the LDAP server.
Method deleteChild Undocumented
Method lookup Lookup the referred to by dn.
Method move Move the object to a new DN.
Method parent Undocumented
Instance Variable dn Undocumented
Instance Variable path Undocumented
Method _addChild Undocumented
Method _children Undocumented
Method _delete Undocumented
Method _deleteChild Undocumented
Method _load Undocumented
Method _move Undocumented
Method _move2 Undocumented
Method _sync_children Undocumented

Inherited from EditableLDAPEntry:

Method __delitem__ Delete all values of an attribute.
Method __setitem__ Set values of an attribute. Please use lists. Do not modify the lists in place, that's not supported _yet_.
Method setPassword Update the password for the entry with a new password and salt passed as bytes.
Method undo Forget all pending changes.

Inherited from BaseLDAPEntry (via EditableLDAPEntry):

Method __bool__ Undocumented
Method __contains__ TODO
Method __eq__ Comparison. Only equality is supported.
Method __getitem__ Get all values of an attribute.
Method __hash__ Undocumented
Method __iter__ Undocumented
Method __len__ TODO
Method __ne__ Inequality comparison. See L{__eq__}.
Method __nonzero__ Always return True
Method bind Try to authenticate with given secret.
Method buildAttributeSet Undocumented
Method diff Compute differences between this and another LDAP entry.
Method get Get all values of an attribute.
Method getLDIF Undocumented
Method has_key TODO
Method hasMember Undocumented
Method items TODO
Method keys TODO
Method toWire Undocumented
Method _bind Undocumented
Class Variable _object_class_keys Undocumented
Class Variable _object_class_lower_keys Undocumented
Class Variable _user_password_keys Undocumented
Instance Variable _attributes Undocumented

Inherited from WireStrAlias (via EditableLDAPEntry, BaseLDAPEntry):

Method __str__ Undocumented

Inherited from DiffTreeMixin:

Method diffTree Undocumented
Method _diffTree_addedChildren Undocumented
Method _diffTree_commonChildren Undocumented
Method _diffTree_deletedChildren Undocumented
Method _diffTree_gotBothChildren Undocumented
Method _diffTree_gotMyChildren Undocumented

Inherited from SubtreeFromChildrenMixin:

Method subtree Undocumented

Inherited from MatchMixin:

Method match Undocumented

Inherited from SearchByTreeWalkingMixin:

Method search Undocumented
def __gt__(self, other): (source)


def __init__(self, path, dn=None, *a, **kw): (source)

Initialize the object. @param dn: Distinguished Name of the object, as a string. @param attributes: Attributes of the object. A dictionary of attribute types to list of attribute values.

def __lt__(self, other): (source)


def __repr__(self): (source)


def addChild(self, rdn, attributes): (source)


def children(self, callback=None): (source)

List the direct children of this entry. Try to avoid using .search(), as this will be used later to implement .search() on LDAP backends. @param callback: Callback function to call for each resulting LDAPEntry. None means gather the results into a list and give that to the Deferred returned from here. @return: A Deferred that will complete when the list is over. The Deferred gives None if callback was given and a list of the children if callback is not given or is None.

def commit(self): (source)

Send all pending changes to the LDAP server. @returns: a Deferred that fires True (operation succeeded) or False (operation failed).

def delete(self): (source)

Delete this object from the LDAP server. @return: A Deferred that will complete when the delete is done.

def deleteChild(self, rdn): (source)


def lookup(self, dn): (source)

Lookup the referred to by dn. @return: A Deferred returning an ILDAPEntry, or failing with e.g. LDAPNoSuchObject.

def move(self, newDN): (source)

Move the object to a new DN. @param newDN: the new DistinguishedName @return: A Deferred that will complete when the move is done.

def parent(self): (source)


path = (source)


def _addChild(self, rdn, attributes): (source)


def _children(self, callback=None): (source)


def _delete(self): (source)


def _deleteChild(self, rdn): (source)


def _load(self): (source)


def _move(self, newDN): (source)


def _move2(self, newParent, newDN): (source)


def _sync_children(self): (source)
