class documentation

Unit tests for ModifyOp.

Method testAsLDIF It will return a LDIF representation of the contained operations.
Method testHashEquality Modify operations can be hashed and equal objects have the same hash.
Method testHashInequality Different modify operations have different hash values.
Method testInequalityDifferentModifications Modify operations with different modifications are not equal
Method testInequalityDiffertnDN Modify operations for different DN are not equal.
Method testInequalityDiffertnOperations Modify operations for same DN but different operations are not equal.
Method testInequalityNotModifyOP Modify operations are not equal with other object types.
Method testModifyOp_DNNotFound If fail to modify when the RDN does not exists.
Method testRepr Getting string representation

Inherited from OperationTestCase:

Method getRoot Returns a new LDAP root for dc=example,dc=com.
def testAsLDIF(self): (source)

It will return a LDIF representation of the contained operations.

def testHashEquality(self): (source)

Modify operations can be hashed and equal objects have the same hash.

def testHashInequality(self): (source)

Different modify operations have different hash values.

def testInequalityDifferentModifications(self): (source)

Modify operations with different modifications are not equal

def testInequalityDiffertnDN(self): (source)

Modify operations for different DN are not equal.

def testInequalityDiffertnOperations(self): (source)

Modify operations for same DN but different operations are not equal.

def testInequalityNotModifyOP(self): (source)

Modify operations are not equal with other object types.

def testModifyOp_DNNotFound(self): (source)

If fail to modify when the RDN does not exists.

def testRepr(self): (source)

Getting string representation