class documentation


Method test_bytes_object byte string is returned without changes if passed to to_bytes function
Method test_int_object integer is converted to a string representation, then encoded to bytes if passed to to_bytes function
Method test_unicode_object unicode string is encoded to utf-8 if passed to to_bytes function
Method test_wireable_object to_bytes function use object`s toWire method to get its bytes representation if it has one
def test_bytes_object(self): (source)

byte string is returned without changes if passed to to_bytes function

def test_int_object(self): (source)

integer is converted to a string representation, then encoded to bytes if passed to to_bytes function

def test_unicode_object(self): (source)

unicode string is encoded to utf-8 if passed to to_bytes function

def test_wireable_object(self): (source)

to_bytes function use object`s toWire method to get its bytes representation if it has one