class documentation

class TestBaseLDAPEntry(unittest.TestCase): (source)

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Tests for ldaptor.entry.BaseLDAPEntry.

Method testBindPlainText It will bind when the password for the entry is stored in plain text, and will return a deferred which has itself as callback.
Method testBindPlainTextError Return a LDAPInvalidCredentials failure when password don't match.
Method testBindSeededSHA It can bind with password stored in seeded SHA.
Method testBindSHAError Return a LDAPInvalidCredentials failure when encoded password don't match.
Method testEqualityDifferentType It is not equal with objects of different types.
Method testEqualitySameType It is equal if it has the same DN (case insensitive) and same attributes and values.
Method testGetLDIF Getting human readable representation of an entry
Method testInequalityDifferentDN Entries are not equal if their DNs are not equal
Method testNonzero Entry is always non-zero
Method testRepr Getting string representation of an entry
def testBindPlainText(self): (source)

It will bind when the password for the entry is stored in plain text, and will return a deferred which has itself as callback.

def testBindPlainTextError(self): (source)

Return a LDAPInvalidCredentials failure when password don't match.

def testBindSeededSHA(self): (source)

It can bind with password stored in seeded SHA.

def testBindSHAError(self): (source)

Return a LDAPInvalidCredentials failure when encoded password don't match.

def testEqualityDifferentType(self): (source)

It is not equal with objects of different types.

def testEqualitySameType(self): (source)

It is equal if it has the same DN (case insensitive) and same attributes and values.

def testGetLDIF(self): (source)

Getting human readable representation of an entry

def testInequalityDifferentDN(self): (source)

Entries are not equal if their DNs are not equal

def testNonzero(self): (source)

Entry is always non-zero

def testRepr(self): (source)

Getting string representation of an entry