class documentation

Unit tests for LDAPEntry.

Method testCreation Creating an LDAP object should succeed.
Method testEquality Entries with same DN, same attributes, and same values for attributes equal, regardless of the order of the attributes.
Method testHashEqual Entries which are equal have the same hash.
Method testHashNotEqual Entries which are not equal have different hash values.
Method testIn Key in object gives expected results.
Method testInequalityAttributes Entries with same DN but different attributes are not equal.
Method testInequalityDN Entries with different DN are not equal.
Method testInequalityOtherObject It is not equal with non LDAPEntry objects.
Method testInequalityValues Entries with same DN same attributes, but different values for attributes are not equal.
Method testItems Iterating over the items of an LDAP object gives expected results.
Method testKeys Iterating over the keys of an LDAP object gives expected results.
def testCreation(self): (source)

Creating an LDAP object should succeed.

def testEquality(self): (source)

Entries with same DN, same attributes, and same values for attributes equal, regardless of the order of the attributes.

def testHashEqual(self): (source)

Entries which are equal have the same hash.

def testHashNotEqual(self): (source)

Entries which are not equal have different hash values.

def testIn(self): (source)

Key in object gives expected results.

def testInequalityAttributes(self): (source)

Entries with same DN but different attributes are not equal.

def testInequalityDN(self): (source)

Entries with different DN are not equal.

def testInequalityOtherObject(self): (source)

It is not equal with non LDAPEntry objects.

def testInequalityValues(self): (source)

Entries with same DN same attributes, but different values for attributes are not equal.

def testItems(self): (source)

Iterating over the items of an LDAP object gives expected results.

def testKeys(self): (source)

Iterating over the keys of an LDAP object gives expected results.