class documentation

Unit tests for generic BERBase.

Method testEquality BER objects equal BER objects with same type and content
Method testHashEquality Objects which are equal have the same hash.
Method testInequalityWithBER BER objects do not equal BER objects with different type or content
Method testInequalityWithNonBER BER objects are not equal with non-BER objects.
Class Variable valuesToTest Undocumented
def testEquality(self): (source)

BER objects equal BER objects with same type and content

def testHashEquality(self): (source)

Objects which are equal have the same hash.

def testInequalityWithBER(self): (source)

BER objects do not equal BER objects with different type or content

def testInequalityWithNonBER(self): (source)

BER objects are not equal with non-BER objects.

valuesToTest = (source)
