package documentation


Module builder No module docstring; 2/2 classes documented
Module exceptions Undocumented
Module field_ref Undocumented
Module idf No module docstring; 1/1 function documented
Module index No module docstring; 0/1 variable, 1/1 class documented
Package languages No package docstring; 0/2 constant, 2/3 functions, 0/2 module documented
Module match_data No module docstring; 1/1 class documented
Module pipeline No module docstring; 0/1 variable, 1/1 class documented
Module query No module docstring; 3/3 classes documented
Module query_lexer Undocumented
Module query_parser Undocumented
Module stemmer Implementation of Porter Stemming Algorithm from
Module stop_word_filter No module docstring; 0/1 variable, 0/1 constant, 1/1 function documented
Module token Undocumented
Module token_set No module docstring; 1/1 class documented
Module token_set_builder Undocumented
Module tokenizer No module docstring; 0/1 constant, 1/2 function documented
Module trimmer Undocumented
Module utils Undocumented
Module vector No module docstring; 1/1 class documented
Module __main__ Undocumented


Function get_default_builder Creates a new pre-configured instance of Builder.
Function lunr A convenience function to configure and construct a lunr.Index.
Constant __TARGET_JS_VERSION__ Undocumented
Constant __VERSION__ Undocumented
def lunr(ref, fields, documents, languages=None, builder=None): (source)

A convenience function to configure and construct a lunr.Index. Args: ref (str): The key in the documents to be used a the reference. fields (list): A list of strings defining fields in the documents to index. Optionally a list of dictionaries with three keys: `field_name` defining the document's field, `boost` an integer defining a boost to be applied to the field, and `extractor` a callable taking the document as a single argument and returning a string located in the document in a particular way. documents (list): The list of dictonaries representing the documents to index. Optionally a 2-tuple of dicts, the first one being the document and the second the associated attributes to it. languages (str or list, optional): The languages to use if using NLTK language support, ignored if NLTK is not available. Returns: Index: The populated Index ready to search against.

def get_default_builder(languages=None): (source)

Creates a new pre-configured instance of Builder. Useful as a starting point to tweak the defaults.

__VERSION__: str = (source)


__TARGET_JS_VERSION__: str = (source)

