module documentation

SAX-based adapter to copy trees from/to the Python standard library. Use the `ElementTreeContentHandler` class to build an ElementTree from SAX events. Use the `ElementTreeProducer` class or the `saxify()` function to fire the SAX events of an ElementTree against a SAX ContentHandler. See

Class ElementTreeContentHandler Build an lxml ElementTree from SAX events.
Class ElementTreeProducer Produces SAX events for an element and children.
Class SaxError General SAX error.
Function saxify One-shot helper to generate SAX events from an XML tree and fire them against a SAX ContentHandler.
Function _getNsTag Undocumented
def saxify(element_or_tree, content_handler): (source)

One-shot helper to generate SAX events from an XML tree and fire them against a SAX ContentHandler.

def _getNsTag(tag): (source)
