class documentation

class DefTemplate(Template): (source)

View In Hierarchy

A :class:`.Template` which represents a callable def in a parent template.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method get_def Return a def of this template as a :class:`.DefTemplate`.
Instance Variable callable_ Undocumented
Instance Variable enable_loop Undocumented
Instance Variable encoding_errors Undocumented
Instance Variable error_handler Undocumented
Instance Variable format_exceptions Undocumented
Instance Variable include_error_handler Undocumented
Instance Variable lookup Undocumented
Instance Variable module Undocumented
Instance Variable output_encoding Undocumented
Instance Variable parent Undocumented

Inherited from Template:

Method has_def Undocumented
Method list_defs return a list of defs in the template.
Method render Render the output of this template as a string.
Method render_context Render this :class:`.Template` with the given context.
Method render_unicode Render the output of this template as a unicode object.
Instance Variable buffer_filters Undocumented
Instance Variable cache_args Undocumented
Instance Variable cache_enabled Undocumented
Instance Variable cache_impl Undocumented
Instance Variable default_filters Undocumented
Instance Variable filename Undocumented
Instance Variable future_imports Undocumented
Instance Variable imports Undocumented
Instance Variable input_encoding Undocumented
Instance Variable lexer_cls Undocumented
Instance Variable module_directory Undocumented
Instance Variable module_id Undocumented
Instance Variable module_writer Undocumented
Instance Variable preprocessor Undocumented
Instance Variable strict_undefined Undocumented
Instance Variable uri Undocumented
Property cache Undocumented
Property cache_dir Undocumented
Property cache_type Undocumented
Property cache_url Undocumented
Property code Return the module source code for this :class:`.Template`.
Property last_modified Undocumented
Property reserved_names Undocumented
Property source Return the template source code for this :class:`.Template`.
Method _compile_from_file Undocumented
Method _get_def_callable Undocumented
Method _setup_cache_args Undocumented
Instance Variable _code Undocumented
Instance Variable _source Undocumented
def __init__(self, parent, callable_): (source)


def get_def(self, name): (source)

Return a def of this template as a :class:`.DefTemplate`.

callable_ = (source)


enable_loop = (source)


encoding_errors = (source)
error_handler = (source)


format_exceptions = (source)
include_error_handler = (source)



output_encoding = (source)
