class documentation

class SmartyExtension(Extension): (source)

View In Hierarchy


Method __init__ Initiate Extension and set up configs.
Method educateAngledQuotes Undocumented
Method educateDashes Undocumented
Method educateEllipses Undocumented
Method educateQuotes Undocumented
Method extendMarkdown Add the various processors and patterns to the Markdown Instance.
Instance Variable config Undocumented
Instance Variable inlinePatterns Undocumented
Instance Variable substitutions Undocumented
Method _addPatterns Undocumented

Inherited from Extension:

Method getConfig Return a setting for the given key or an empty string.
Method getConfigInfo Return all config descriptions as a list of tuples.
Method getConfigs Return all configs settings as a dict.
Method setConfig Set a config setting for `key` with the given `value`.
Method setConfigs Set multiple config settings given a dict or list of tuples.
def __init__(self, **kwargs): (source)

Initiate Extension and set up configs.

def educateAngledQuotes(self, md): (source)


def educateDashes(self, md): (source)


def educateEllipses(self, md): (source)


def educateQuotes(self, md): (source)


def extendMarkdown(self, md): (source)

Add the various processors and patterns to the Markdown Instance. This method must be overridden by every extension. Keyword arguments: * md: The Markdown instance.

inlinePatterns = (source)


substitutions = (source)


def _addPatterns(self, md, patterns, serie, priority): (source)
