class documentation

A unittest.TestCase subclass with helpers for testing Markdown output. Define `default_kwargs` as a dict of keywords to pass to Markdown for each test. The defaults can be overridden on individual tests. The `assertMarkdownRenders` method accepts the source text, the expected output, and any keywords to pass to Markdown. The `default_kwargs` are used except where overridden by `kwargs`. The output and expected output are passed to `TestCase.assertMultiLineEqual`. An AssertionError is raised with a diff if the actual output does not equal the expected output. The `dedent` method is available to dedent triple-quoted strings if necessary. In all other respects, behaves as unittest.TestCase.

Method assertMarkdownRenders Test that source Markdown text renders to expected output with given keywords.
Method dedent Dedent text.
Class Variable default_kwargs Undocumented
def assertMarkdownRenders(self, source, expected, expected_attrs=None, **kwargs): (source)

Test that source Markdown text renders to expected output with given keywords. `expected_attrs` accepts a dict. Each key should be the name of an attribute on the `Markdown` instance and the value should be the expected value after the source text is parsed by Markdown. After the expected output is tested, the expected value for each attribute is compared against the actual attribute of the `Markdown` instance using `TestCase.assertEqual`.

def dedent(self, text): (source)

Dedent text.

default_kwargs: dict = (source)
