class documentation

Generic interface for metadata storage.

Method commit If the backing store requires a commit, do it.
Method getmtime Read the mtime of a metadata entry..
Method list_all Undocumented
Method read Read the contents of a metadata entry.
Method remove Delete a metadata entry
Method write Write a metadata entry.
def commit(self): (source)

If the backing store requires a commit, do it. But N.B. that this is not *guaranteed* to do anything, and there is no guarantee that changes are not made until it is called.

def getmtime(self, name: str) -> float: (source)

Read the mtime of a metadata entry.. Raises FileNotFound if the entry does not exist.

def read(self, name: str) -> str: (source)

Read the contents of a metadata entry. Raises FileNotFound if the entry does not exist.

def write(self, name: str, data: str, mtime: float|None = None) -> bool: (source)

Write a metadata entry. If mtime is specified, set it as the mtime of the entry. Otherwise, the current time is used. Returns True if the entry is successfully written, False otherwise.