module documentation

Plugin for supporting the attrs library (

Class Attribute The value of an attr.ib() call.
Class Converter Holds information about a `converter=` argument
Class MethodAdder Helper to add methods to a TypeInfo.
Function attr_class_maker_callback Add necessary dunder methods to classes decorated with attr.s.
Function attr_tag_callback Record that we have an attrs class in the main semantic analysis pass.
Function is_valid_overloaded_converter Undocumented
Constant attr_attrib_makers Undocumented
Constant attr_class_makers Undocumented
Constant attr_dataclass_makers Undocumented
Constant attr_define_makers Undocumented
Constant attr_frozen_makers Undocumented
Constant attr_optional_converters Undocumented
Constant MAGIC_ATTR_NAME Undocumented
Constant SELF_TVAR_NAME Undocumented
Function _add_attrs_magic_attribute Undocumented
Function _add_empty_metadata Add empty metadata to mark that we've finished processing this class.
Function _add_init Generate an __init__ method for the attributes and add it to the class.
Function _add_match_args Undocumented
Function _add_order Generate all the ordering methods for this class.
Function _add_slots Undocumented
Function _analyze_class Analyze the class body of an attr maker, its parents, and return the Attributes found.
Function _attribute_from_attrib_maker Return an Attribute from the assignment or None if you can't make one.
Function _attribute_from_auto_attrib Return an Attribute for a new type assignment.
Function _attributes_from_assignment Return Attribute objects that are created by this assignment.
Function _cleanup_decorator Handle decorators in class bodies.
Function _detect_auto_attribs Return whether auto_attribs should be enabled or disabled.
Function _determine_eq_order Validate the combination of *cmp*, *eq*, and *order*. Derive the effective value of order.
Function _get_decorator_optional_bool_argument Return the Optional[bool] argument for the decorator.
Function _get_frozen Return whether this class is frozen.
Function _make_frozen Turn all the attributes into properties to simulate frozen classes.
Function _parse_assignments Convert a possibly complex assignment expression into lists of lvalues and rvalues.
Function _parse_converter Return the Converter object from an Expression.
def attr_class_maker_callback(ctx: mypy.plugin.ClassDefContext, auto_attribs_default: bool|None = False, frozen_default: bool = False) -> bool: (source)

Add necessary dunder methods to classes decorated with attr.s. attrs is a package that lets you define classes without writing dull boilerplate code. At a quick glance, the decorator searches the class body for assignments of `attr.ib`s (or annotated variables if auto_attribs=True), then depending on how the decorator is called, it will add an __init__ or all the compare methods. For frozen=True it will turn the attrs into properties. See for information on how attrs works. If this returns False, some required metadata was not ready yet and we need another pass.

def attr_tag_callback(ctx: mypy.plugin.ClassDefContext): (source)

Record that we have an attrs class in the main semantic analysis pass. The later pass implemented by attr_class_maker_callback will use this to detect attrs classes in base classes.

def is_valid_overloaded_converter(defn: OverloadedFuncDef) -> bool: (source)


attr_attrib_makers: set[str] = (source)


set(['attr.ib', 'attr.attrib', 'attr.attr', 'attr.field', 'attrs.field'])
attr_class_makers: set[str] = (source)


set(['attr.s', 'attr.attrs', 'attr.attributes'])
attr_dataclass_makers: set[str] = (source)


attr_define_makers: set[str] = (source)


set(['attr.define', 'attr.mutable', 'attrs.define', 'attrs.mutable'])
attr_frozen_makers: set[str] = (source)


set(['attr.frozen', 'attrs.frozen'])
attr_optional_converters: set[str] = (source)


set(['attr.converters.optional', 'attrs.converters.optional'])


MAGIC_ATTR_NAME: str = (source)


SELF_TVAR_NAME: str = (source)


def _add_attrs_magic_attribute(ctx: mypy.plugin.ClassDefContext, attrs: list[tuple[str, Type|None]]): (source)


def _add_empty_metadata(info: TypeInfo): (source)

Add empty metadata to mark that we've finished processing this class.

def _add_init(ctx: mypy.plugin.ClassDefContext, attributes: list[Attribute], adder: MethodAdder, method_name: Literal['__init__', '__attrs_init__']): (source)

Generate an __init__ method for the attributes and add it to the class.

def _add_match_args(ctx: mypy.plugin.ClassDefContext, attributes: list[Attribute]): (source)


Generate all the ordering methods for this class.

def _add_slots(ctx: mypy.plugin.ClassDefContext, attributes: list[Attribute]): (source)


def _analyze_class(ctx: mypy.plugin.ClassDefContext, auto_attribs: bool|None, kw_only: bool) -> list[Attribute]: (source)

Analyze the class body of an attr maker, its parents, and return the Attributes found. auto_attribs=True means we'll generate attributes from type annotations also. auto_attribs=None means we'll detect which mode to use. kw_only=True means that all attributes created here will be keyword only args in __init__.

def _attribute_from_attrib_maker(ctx: mypy.plugin.ClassDefContext, auto_attribs: bool, kw_only: bool, lhs: NameExpr, rvalue: CallExpr, stmt: AssignmentStmt) -> Attribute|None: (source)

Return an Attribute from the assignment or None if you can't make one.

def _attribute_from_auto_attrib(ctx: mypy.plugin.ClassDefContext, kw_only: bool, lhs: NameExpr, rvalue: Expression, stmt: AssignmentStmt) -> Attribute: (source)

Return an Attribute for a new type assignment.

def _attributes_from_assignment(ctx: mypy.plugin.ClassDefContext, stmt: AssignmentStmt, auto_attribs: bool, kw_only: bool) -> Iterable[Attribute]: (source)

Return Attribute objects that are created by this assignment. The assignments can look like this: x = attr.ib() x = y = attr.ib() x, y = attr.ib(), attr.ib() or if auto_attribs is enabled also like this: x: type x: type = default_value

def _cleanup_decorator(stmt: Decorator, attr_map: dict[str, Attribute]): (source)

Handle decorators in class bodies. `x.default` will set a default value on x `x.validator` and `x.default` will get removed to avoid throwing a type error.

def _detect_auto_attribs(ctx: mypy.plugin.ClassDefContext) -> bool: (source)

Return whether auto_attribs should be enabled or disabled. It's disabled if there are any unannotated attribs()

def _determine_eq_order(ctx: mypy.plugin.ClassDefContext) -> bool: (source)

Validate the combination of *cmp*, *eq*, and *order*. Derive the effective value of order.

def _get_decorator_optional_bool_argument(ctx: mypy.plugin.ClassDefContext, name: str, default: bool|None = None) -> bool|None: (source)

Return the Optional[bool] argument for the decorator. This handles both @decorator(...) and @decorator.

def _get_frozen(ctx: mypy.plugin.ClassDefContext, frozen_default: bool) -> bool: (source)

Return whether this class is frozen.

def _make_frozen(ctx: mypy.plugin.ClassDefContext, attributes: list[Attribute]): (source)

Turn all the attributes into properties to simulate frozen classes.

def _parse_assignments(lvalue: Expression, stmt: AssignmentStmt) -> tuple[list[NameExpr], list[Expression]]: (source)

Convert a possibly complex assignment expression into lists of lvalues and rvalues.

def _parse_converter(ctx: mypy.plugin.ClassDefContext, converter_expr: Expression|None) -> Converter|None: (source)

Return the Converter object from an Expression.