module documentation

Generate fine-grained dependencies for AST nodes, for use in the daemon mode. Dependencies are stored in a map from *triggers* to *sets of affected locations*. A trigger is a string that represents a program property that has changed, such as the signature of a specific function. Triggers are written as '<...>' (angle brackets). When a program property changes, we determine the relevant trigger(s) and all affected locations. The latter are stale and will have to be reprocessed. An affected location is a string than can refer to a *target* (a non-nested function or method, or a module top level), a class, or a trigger (for recursively triggering other triggers). Here's an example representation of a simple dependency map (in format "<trigger> -> locations"): <m.A.g> -> m.f <m.A> -> <m.f>, m.A, m.f Assuming 'A' is a class, this means that 1) if a property of 'm.A.g', such as the signature, is changed, we need to process target (function) 'm.f' 2) if the MRO or other significant property of class 'm.A' changes, we need to process target 'm.f', the entire class 'm.A', and locations triggered by trigger '<m.f>' (this explanation is a bit simplified; see below for more details). The triggers to fire are determined using mypy.server.astdiff. Examples of triggers: * '<mod.x>' represents a module attribute/function/class. If any externally visible property of 'x' changes, this gets fired. For changes within classes, only "big" changes cause the class to be triggered (such as a change in MRO). Smaller changes, such as changes to some attributes, don't trigger the entire class. * '<mod.Cls.x>' represents the type and kind of attribute/method 'x' of class 'mod.Cls'. This can also refer to an attribute inherited from a base class (relevant if it's accessed through a value of type 'Cls' instead of the base class type). * '<package.mod>' represents the existence of module 'package.mod'. This gets triggered if 'package.mod' is created or deleted, or if it gets changed into something other than a module. Examples of locations: * 'mod' is the top level of module 'mod' (doesn't include any function bodies, but includes class bodies not nested within a function). * 'mod.f' is function 'f' in module 'mod' (module-level variables aren't separate locations but are included in the module top level). Functions also include any nested functions and classes -- such nested definitions aren't separate locations, for simplicity of implementation. * 'mod.Cls.f' is method 'f' of 'mod.Cls'. Non-method attributes aren't locations. * 'mod.Cls' represents each method in class 'mod.Cls' + the top-level of the module 'mod'. (To simplify the implementation, there is no location that only includes the body of a class without the entire surrounding module top level.) * Trigger '<...>' as a location is an indirect way of referring to to all locations triggered by the trigger. These indirect locations keep the dependency map smaller and easier to manage. Triggers can be triggered by program changes such as these: * Addition or deletion of an attribute (or module). * Change of the kind of thing a name represents (such as a change from a function to a class). * Change of the static type of a name. Changes in the body of a function that aren't reflected in the signature don't cause the function to be triggered. More generally, we trigger only on changes that may affect type checking results outside the module that contains the change. We don't generate dependencies from builtins and certain other stdlib modules, since these change very rarely, and they would just increase the size of the dependency map significantly without significant benefit. Test cases for this module live in 'test-data/unit/deps*.test'.

Class DependencyVisitor No class docstring; 0/7 instance variable, 8/50 methods documented
Class TypeTriggersVisitor Undocumented
Function dump_all_dependencies Generate dependencies for all interesting modules and print them to stdout.
Function get_dependencies Get all dependencies of a node, recursively.
Function get_dependencies_of_target Get dependencies of a target -- don't recursive into nested targets.
Function get_type_triggers Return all triggers that correspond to a type becoming stale.
Function has_user_bases Undocumented
Function merge_dependencies Undocumented
Function non_trivial_bases Undocumented
def dump_all_dependencies(modules: dict[str, MypyFile], type_map: dict[Expression, Type], python_version: tuple[int, int], options: Options): (source)

Generate dependencies for all interesting modules and print them to stdout.

def get_dependencies(target: MypyFile, type_map: dict[Expression, Type], python_version: tuple[int, int], options: Options) -> dict[str, set[str]]: (source)

Get all dependencies of a node, recursively.

def get_dependencies_of_target(module_id: str, module_tree: MypyFile, target: Node, type_map: dict[Expression, Type], python_version: tuple[int, int]) -> dict[str, set[str]]: (source)

Get dependencies of a target -- don't recursive into nested targets.

def get_type_triggers(typ: Type, use_logical_deps: bool, seen_aliases: set[TypeAliasType]|None = None) -> list[str]: (source)

Return all triggers that correspond to a type becoming stale.

def has_user_bases(info: TypeInfo) -> bool: (source)


def merge_dependencies(new_deps: dict[str, set[str]], deps: dict[str, set[str]]): (source)


def non_trivial_bases(info: TypeInfo) -> list[TypeInfo]: (source)
