module documentation

A module for creating docstrings for sphinx data domains.

Function add_newdoc Append _docstrings_list with a docstring for name.
Function _parse_docstrings Convert all docstrings in _docstrings_list into a single sphinx-legible text block.
Variable _docstrings Undocumented
Variable _docstrings_list Undocumented
def add_newdoc(name: str, value: str, doc: str): (source)

Append _docstrings_list with a docstring for name.

name:strThe name of the object.
value:strA string-representation of the object.
doc:strThe docstring of the object.
def _parse_docstrings() -> str: (source)

Convert all docstrings in _docstrings_list into a single sphinx-legible text block.

_docstrings = (source)


_docstrings_list: list = (source)
