module documentation

The tests exercise the casting machinery in a more low-level manner. The reason is mostly to test a new implementation of the casting machinery.

Unlike most tests in NumPy, these are closer to unit-tests rather than integration tests.

Class Casting Undocumented
Class TestCasting No class docstring; 0/1 class variable, 3/20 methods documented
Class TestChanges These test cases exercise some behaviour changes
Function get_expected_stringlength Returns the string length when casting the basic dtypes to strings.
Function simple_dtype_instances Undocumented
Constant CAST_TABLE Undocumented
Variable simple_dtypes Undocumented
Function _get_cancast_table Undocumented
def get_expected_stringlength(dtype): (source)

Returns the string length when casting the basic dtypes to strings.

def simple_dtype_instances(): (source)


CAST_TABLE = (source)


simple_dtypes = (source)


def _get_cancast_table(): (source)
