class documentation

class TestDTypeMakeCanonical: (source)

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Method check_canonical Check most properties relevant to "canonical" versions of a dtype, which is mainly native byte order for datatypes supporting this.
Method test_make_canonical_hypothesis Undocumented
Method test_object_flag_not_inherited Undocumented
Method test_simple Undocumented
Method test_structured Undocumented
def check_canonical(self, dtype, canonical): (source)

Check most properties relevant to "canonical" versions of a dtype, which is mainly native byte order for datatypes supporting this.

The main work is checking structured dtypes with fields, where we reproduce most the actual logic used in the C-code.

def test_make_canonical_hypothesis(self, dtype): (source)


def test_object_flag_not_inherited(self): (source)


def test_simple(self): (source)


@hypothesis.given(dtype=hypothesis.extra.numpy.array_dtypes(subtype_strategy=hypothesis.extra.numpy.array_dtypes(), min_size=5, max_size=10, allow_subarrays=True))
def test_structured(self, dtype): (source)
