module documentation


Function f2cmap_f90 Generates a single f90 file for testing
Function get_io_paths Takes in a temporary file for testing and returns the expected output and input paths
Function hello_world_f77 Generates a single f77 file for testing
Function hello_world_f90 Generates a single f90 file for testing
Function retreal_f77 Generates a single f77 file for testing
Function test_build_dir Ensures that the build directory can be specified
Function test_debugcapi Ensures that debugging wrappers are written
Function test_debugcapi_bld Ensures that debugging wrappers work
Function test_f2cmap Check that Fortran-to-Python KIND specs can be passed
Function test_f2py_only Test that functions can be kept by only: CLI :: only:
Function test_f2py_skip Tests that functions can be skipped CLI :: skip:
Function test_file_processing_switch Tests that it is possible to return to file processing mode CLI :: : BUG: numpy-gh #20520
Function test_gen_pyf Ensures that a signature file is generated via the CLI CLI :: -h
Function test_gen_pyf_no_overwrite Ensures that the CLI refuses to overwrite signature files CLI :: -h without --overwrite-signature
Function test_gen_pyf_stdout Ensures that a signature file can be dumped to stdout CLI :: -h
Function test_hlink Add to the include directories
Function test_inclheader Add to the include directories
Function test_inclpath Add to the include directories
Function test_latexdoc Ensures that TeX documentation is written out
Function test_lower_cmod Lowers cases by flag or when -h is present
Function test_lower_sig Lowers cases in signature files by flag or when -h is present
Function test_mod_gen_f77 Checks the generation of files based on a module name CLI :: -m
Function test_nolatexdoc Ensures that TeX documentation is written out
Function test_norestexdoc Ensures that TeX documentation is written out
Function test_nowrapfunc Ensures that fortran subroutine wrappers for F77 can be disabled
Function test_npd_arch CLI :: -c --arch
Function test_npd_compiler CLI :: -c --compiler
Function test_npd_debug CLI :: -c --debug
Function test_npd_define CLI :: -D<define>
Function test_npd_f77exec CLI :: -c --f77exec
Function test_npd_f77flags CLI :: -c --f77flags
Function test_npd_f90exec CLI :: -c --f90exec
Function test_npd_f90flags CLI :: -c --f90flags
Function test_npd_fcompiler CLI :: -c --fcompiler
Function test_npd_help_fcompiler CLI :: -c --help-fcompiler
Function test_npd_incl CLI :: -I/path/to/include/
Function test_npd_lib CLI :: -c -L/path/to/lib/ -l<libname>
Function test_npd_link_auto CLI :: -c --link-<resource>
Function test_npd_linker CLI :: <filename>.o <filename>.so <filename>.a
Function test_npd_noarch CLI :: -c --noarch
Function test_npd_noopt CLI :: -c --noopt
Function test_npd_opt CLI :: -c --opt
Function test_npd_undefine CLI :: -U<name>
Function test_npdistop CLI :: -c
Function test_overwrite Ensures that the build directory can be specified
Function test_quiet Reduce verbosity
Function test_restdoc Ensures that RsT documentation is written out
Function test_shortlatex Ensures that truncated documentation is written out
Function test_verbose Increase verbosity
Function test_version Ensure version
Function test_wrapfunc_def Ensures that fortran subroutine wrappers for F77 are included by default
Variable PPaths Undocumented
def f2cmap_f90(tmpdir_factory): (source)

Generates a single f90 file for testing

def get_io_paths(fname_inp, mname='untitled'): (source)

Takes in a temporary file for testing and returns the expected output and input paths

Here expected output is essentially one of any of the possible generated files.


Since this does not actually run f2py, none of these are guaranteed to
exist, and module names are typically incorrect
fname_inp:strThe input filename
mname:str, optionalThe name of the module, untitled by default
NamedTuple PPathsgenp - The possible paths which are generated, not all of which exist
def hello_world_f77(tmpdir_factory): (source)

Generates a single f77 file for testing

def hello_world_f90(tmpdir_factory): (source)

Generates a single f90 file for testing

def retreal_f77(tmpdir_factory): (source)

Generates a single f77 file for testing

def test_build_dir(capfd, hello_world_f90, monkeypatch): (source)

Ensures that the build directory can be specified

CLI :: --build-dir

def test_debugcapi(capfd, hello_world_f90, monkeypatch): (source)

Ensures that debugging wrappers are written

CLI :: --debug-capi

@pytest.mark.xfail(reason='Consistently fails on CI.')
def test_debugcapi_bld(hello_world_f90, monkeypatch): (source)

Ensures that debugging wrappers work

CLI :: --debug-capi -c

def test_f2cmap(capfd, f2cmap_f90, monkeypatch): (source)

Check that Fortran-to-Python KIND specs can be passed

CLI :: --f2cmap

def test_f2py_only(capfd, retreal_f77, monkeypatch): (source)

Test that functions can be kept by only: CLI :: only:

def test_f2py_skip(capfd, retreal_f77, monkeypatch): (source)

Tests that functions can be skipped CLI :: skip:

def test_file_processing_switch(capfd, hello_world_f90, retreal_f77, monkeypatch): (source)

Tests that it is possible to return to file processing mode CLI :: : BUG: numpy-gh #20520

def test_gen_pyf(capfd, hello_world_f90, monkeypatch): (source)

Ensures that a signature file is generated via the CLI CLI :: -h

def test_gen_pyf_no_overwrite(capfd, hello_world_f90, monkeypatch): (source)

Ensures that the CLI refuses to overwrite signature files CLI :: -h without --overwrite-signature

def test_gen_pyf_stdout(capfd, hello_world_f90, monkeypatch): (source)

Ensures that a signature file can be dumped to stdout CLI :: -h

def test_hlink(): (source)

Add to the include directories

CLI :: --help-link

def test_inclheader(capfd, hello_world_f90, monkeypatch): (source)

Add to the include directories

CLI :: -include TODO: Document this in the help string

def test_inclpath(): (source)

Add to the include directories

CLI :: --include-paths

def test_latexdoc(capfd, hello_world_f90, monkeypatch): (source)

Ensures that TeX documentation is written out

CLI :: --latex-doc

def test_lower_cmod(capfd, hello_world_f77, monkeypatch): (source)

Lowers cases by flag or when -h is present

CLI :: --[no-]lower

def test_lower_sig(capfd, hello_world_f77, monkeypatch): (source)

Lowers cases in signature files by flag or when -h is present

CLI :: --[no-]lower -h

def test_mod_gen_f77(capfd, hello_world_f90, monkeypatch): (source)

Checks the generation of files based on a module name CLI :: -m

def test_nolatexdoc(capfd, hello_world_f90, monkeypatch): (source)

Ensures that TeX documentation is written out

CLI :: --no-latex-doc

def test_norestexdoc(capfd, hello_world_f90, monkeypatch): (source)

Ensures that TeX documentation is written out

CLI :: --no-rest-doc

def test_nowrapfunc(capfd, hello_world_f90, monkeypatch): (source)

Ensures that fortran subroutine wrappers for F77 can be disabled

CLI :: --no-wrap-functions

def test_npd_arch(): (source)

CLI :: -c --arch

def test_npd_compiler(): (source)

CLI :: -c --compiler

def test_npd_debug(): (source)

CLI :: -c --debug

def test_npd_define(): (source)

CLI :: -D<define>

def test_npd_f77exec(): (source)

CLI :: -c --f77exec

def test_npd_f77flags(): (source)

CLI :: -c --f77flags

def test_npd_f90exec(): (source)

CLI :: -c --f90exec

def test_npd_f90flags(): (source)

CLI :: -c --f90flags

def test_npd_fcompiler(): (source)

CLI :: -c --fcompiler

def test_npd_help_fcompiler(): (source)

CLI :: -c --help-fcompiler

def test_npd_incl(): (source)

CLI :: -I/path/to/include/

def test_npd_lib(): (source)

CLI :: -c -L/path/to/lib/ -l<libname>

def test_npd_link_auto(): (source)

CLI :: -c --link-<resource>

def test_npd_linker(): (source)

CLI :: <filename>.o <filename>.so <filename>.a

def test_npd_noarch(): (source)

CLI :: -c --noarch

def test_npd_noopt(): (source)

CLI :: -c --noopt

def test_npd_opt(): (source)

CLI :: -c --opt

def test_npd_undefine(): (source)

CLI :: -U<name>

@pytest.mark.xfail(reason='Consistently fails on CI.')
def test_npdistop(hello_world_f90, monkeypatch): (source)

CLI :: -c

def test_overwrite(capfd, hello_world_f90, monkeypatch): (source)

Ensures that the build directory can be specified

CLI :: --overwrite-signature

def test_quiet(capfd, hello_world_f90, monkeypatch): (source)

Reduce verbosity

CLI :: --quiet

def test_restdoc(capfd, hello_world_f90, monkeypatch): (source)

Ensures that RsT documentation is written out

CLI :: --rest-doc

def test_shortlatex(capfd, hello_world_f90, monkeypatch): (source)

Ensures that truncated documentation is written out

TODO: Test to ensure this has no effect without --latex-doc CLI :: --latex-doc --short-latex

def test_verbose(capfd, hello_world_f90, monkeypatch): (source)

Increase verbosity

CLI :: --verbose

def test_version(capfd, monkeypatch): (source)

Ensure version

CLI :: -v

def test_wrapfunc_def(capfd, hello_world_f90, monkeypatch): (source)

Ensures that fortran subroutine wrappers for F77 are included by default

CLI :: --[no]-wrap-functions
