class documentation

class parameterized: (source)

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Parameterize a test case:

class TestInt:
("A", 10), ("F", 15), param("10", 42, base=42)

]) def test_int(self, input, expected, base=16):

actual = int(input, base=base) assert_equal(actual, expected)
(2, 3, 5) (3, 5, 8),

]) def test_add(a, b, expected):

assert_equal(a + b, expected)
Class Method check_input_values Undocumented
Class Method expand A "brute force" method of parameterizing test cases. Creates new test cases and injects them into the namespace that the wrapped function is being defined in. Useful for parameterizing tests in subclasses of 'UnitTest', where Nose test generators don't work.
Class Method input_as_callable Undocumented
Class Method param_as_standalone_func Undocumented
Class Method to_safe_name Undocumented
Method __call__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method assert_not_in_testcase_subclass Undocumented
Method param_as_nose_tuple Undocumented
Instance Variable doc_func Undocumented
Instance Variable get_input Undocumented
Method _terrible_magic_get_defining_classes Returns the list of parent classes of the class currently being defined. Will likely only work if called from the parameterized decorator. This function is entirely @brandon_rhodes's fault, as he suggested the implementation: ...
def check_input_values(cls, input_values): (source)


def expand(cls, input, name_func=None, doc_func=None, **legacy): (source)

A "brute force" method of parameterizing test cases. Creates new test cases and injects them into the namespace that the wrapped function is being defined in. Useful for parameterizing tests in subclasses of 'UnitTest', where Nose test generators don't work.

>>> @parameterized.expand([("foo", 1, 2)])
... def test_add1(name, input, expected):
...     actual = add1(input)
...     assert_equal(actual, expected)
>>> locals()
... 'test_add1_foo_0': <function ...> ...
def input_as_callable(cls, input): (source)


def param_as_standalone_func(cls, p, func, name): (source)


def to_safe_name(cls, s): (source)


def __call__(self, test_func): (source)


def __init__(self, input, doc_func=None): (source)


def assert_not_in_testcase_subclass(self): (source)


def param_as_nose_tuple(self, test_self, func, num, p): (source)


doc_func = (source)


get_input = (source)


def _terrible_magic_get_defining_classes(self): (source)

Returns the list of parent classes of the class currently being defined. Will likely only work if called from the parameterized decorator. This function is entirely @brandon_rhodes's fault, as he suggested the implementation: