class documentation

class TestNdpointerCFunc: (source)

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Method test_arguments Test that arguments are coerced from arrays
Method test_return Test that return values are coerced to arrays
Method test_vague_return_value Test that vague ndpointer return values do not promote to arrays
def test_arguments(self): (source)

Test that arguments are coerced from arrays

@pytest.mark.parametrize('dt', [float, np.dtype(dict(formats=['<i4', '<i4'], names=['a', 'b'], offsets=[0, 2], itemsize=6))], ids=['float', 'overlapping-fields'])
def test_return(self, dt): (source)

Test that return values are coerced to arrays

def test_vague_return_value(self): (source)

Test that vague ndpointer return values do not promote to arrays