exception documentation

The base class for errors generated while parsing docstrings.

Method __init__ No summary
Method __repr__ Return the formal representation of this ParseError. ParseErrors have formal representations of the form:
Method __str__ Return a string representation of this ParseError. This multi-line string contains a description of the error, and specifies where it occured.
Method descr No summary
Method is_fatal No summary
Method linenum No summary
Instance Variable _descr Undocumented
Instance Variable _fatal Undocumented
Instance Variable _linenum Undocumented
def __init__(self, descr, linenum=None, is_fatal=True): (source)
descr:strA description of the error.
linenum:Optional[int]The line on which the error occured within the docstring. The linenum of the first line is 0.
is_fatal:boolTrue if this is a fatal error.
def __repr__(self): (source)

Return the formal representation of this ParseError. ParseErrors have formal representations of the form:

   <ParseError on line 12>
strthe formal representation of this ParseError.
def __str__(self): (source)

Return a string representation of this ParseError. This multi-line string contains a description of the error, and specifies where it occured.

strthe informal representation of this ParseError.
def descr(self): (source)
strA description of the error.
def is_fatal(self): (source)
booltrue if this is a fatal error. If an error is fatal, then epydoc should ignore the output of the parser, and parse the docstring as plaintext.
def linenum(self): (source)
Optional[int]The line number on which the error occured (including any offset). If the line number is unknown, then return None.



_linenum = (source)
