class documentation

class NotFoundLinker(DocstringLinker): (source)

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A DocstringLinker implementation that cannot find any links.

Method link_to Format a link to a Python identifier. This will resolve the identifier like Python itself would.
Method link_xref Format a cross-reference link to a Python identifier. This will resolve the identifier to any reasonable target, even if it has to look in places where Python itself would not.
Method resolve_identifier Resolve a Python identifier. This will resolve the identifier like Python itself would.

Inherited from DocstringLinker:

Method disable_same_page_optimazation By default, when linkng to an object on the same page, the linker will generate an URL that links to the anchor only, this will avoid reloading the page needlessly. But sometimes we're using a linker to present the content on another page...
def link_to(self, target, label): (source)

Format a link to a Python identifier. This will resolve the identifier like Python itself would.

target:strThe name of the Python identifier that should be linked to.
label:FlattenableThe label to show for the link.
TagThe link, or just the label if the target was not found.
def link_xref(self, target, label, lineno): (source)

Format a cross-reference link to a Python identifier. This will resolve the identifier to any reasonable target, even if it has to look in places where Python itself would not.

target:strThe name of the Python identifier that should be linked to.
label:FlattenableThe label to show for the link.
lineno:intThe line number within the docstring at which the crossreference is located.
TagThe link, or just the label if the target was not found. In either case, the returned top-level tag will be <code>.
def resolve_identifier(self, identifier): (source)

Resolve a Python identifier. This will resolve the identifier like Python itself would.

identifier:strThe name of the Python identifier that should be linked to.
Optional[str]The URL of the target, or None if not found.