class documentation

class PartialVisitor(Visitor[T]): (source)

Known subclasses: pydoctor.astutils.NodeVisitor

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Visitor class that do not have to define all possible visit_.* methods since it overrides the default behaviour of unknown_visit() and unknown_departure() not to raise NotImplementedError.

Method unknown_departure Called before exiting unknown object types.
Method unknown_visit Called when entering unknown object types.

Inherited from Visitor:

Exception SkipChildren Do not visit any children of the current node. The current node's siblings and depart_... method are not affected.
Exception SkipDeparture Do not call the current node's depart_... method. The current node's children and siblings are not affected.
Exception SkipNode Do not visit the current node's children, and do not call the current node's depart_... method.
Exception SkipSiblings Do not visit any more siblings (to the right) of the current node. The current node's children and its depart_... method are not affected.
Class Method get_children Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method depart Extend the base depart with extensions.
Method visit Extend the base visit with extensions.
Method walk Traverse a tree of objects, calling the visit() method of visitor when entering each node. (The walkabout() method is similar, except it also calls the depart() method before exiting each objects.)
Method walkabout Perform a tree traversal similarly to walk() (which see), except also call the depart() method before exiting each node.
Instance Variable extensions Undocumented
Exception _TreePruningException Base class for Visitor-related tree pruning exceptions.
def unknown_departure(self, ob): (source)

Called before exiting unknown object types.

Raise exception unless overridden.

def unknown_visit(self, ob): (source)

Called when entering unknown object types.

Raise an exception unless overridden.
