class documentation

class NameHighlightFilter(Filter): (source)

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Highlight a normal Name (and Name.*) token with a different token type. Example:: filter = NameHighlightFilter( names=['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], tokentype=Name.Function, ) This would highlight the names "foo", "bar" and "baz" as functions. `Name.Function` is the default token type. Options accepted: `names` : list of strings A list of names that should be given the different token type. There is no default. `tokentype` : TokenType or string A token type or a string containing a token type name that is used for highlighting the strings in `names`. The default is `Name.Function`.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method filter Undocumented
Instance Variable names Undocumented
Instance Variable tokentype Undocumented

Inherited from Filter:

Instance Variable options Undocumented
def __init__(self, **options): (source)


def filter(self, lexer, stream): (source)



tokentype = (source)
