class documentation

Create a PNG image from source code. This uses the Python Imaging Library to generate a pixmap from the source code. .. versionadded:: 0.10 Additional options accepted: `image_format` An image format to output to that is recognised by PIL, these include: * "PNG" (default) * "JPEG" * "BMP" * "GIF" `line_pad` The extra spacing (in pixels) between each line of text. Default: 2 `font_name` The font name to be used as the base font from which others, such as bold and italic fonts will be generated. This really should be a monospace font to look sane. Default: "Courier New" on Windows, "Menlo" on Mac OS, and "DejaVu Sans Mono" on \*nix `font_size` The font size in points to be used. Default: 14 `image_pad` The padding, in pixels to be used at each edge of the resulting image. Default: 10 `line_numbers` Whether line numbers should be shown: True/False Default: True `line_number_start` The line number of the first line. Default: 1 `line_number_step` The step used when printing line numbers. Default: 1 `line_number_bg` The background colour (in "#123456" format) of the line number bar, or None to use the style background color. Default: "#eed" `line_number_fg` The text color of the line numbers (in "#123456"-like format). Default: "#886" `line_number_chars` The number of columns of line numbers allowable in the line number margin. Default: 2 `line_number_bold` Whether line numbers will be bold: True/False Default: False `line_number_italic` Whether line numbers will be italicized: True/False Default: False `line_number_separator` Whether a line will be drawn between the line number area and the source code area: True/False Default: True `line_number_pad` The horizontal padding (in pixels) between the line number margin, and the source code area. Default: 6 `hl_lines` Specify a list of lines to be highlighted. .. versionadded:: 1.2 Default: empty list `hl_color` Specify the color for highlighting lines. .. versionadded:: 1.2 Default: highlight color of the selected style

Method __init__ See the class docstring for explanation of options.
Method format Format ``tokensource``, an iterable of ``(tokentype, tokenstring)`` tuples and write it into ``outfile``.
Method get_style_defs Return the style definitions for the current style as a string.
Class Variable aliases Undocumented
Class Variable default_image_format Undocumented
Class Variable filenames Undocumented
Class Variable name Undocumented
Class Variable unicodeoutput Undocumented
Instance Variable background_color Undocumented
Instance Variable drawables Undocumented
Instance Variable encoding Undocumented
Instance Variable fonth Undocumented
Instance Variable fonts Undocumented
Instance Variable fontw Undocumented
Instance Variable hl_color Undocumented
Instance Variable hl_lines Undocumented
Instance Variable image_format Undocumented
Instance Variable image_pad Undocumented
Instance Variable line_number_bg Undocumented
Instance Variable line_number_bold Undocumented
Instance Variable line_number_chars Undocumented
Instance Variable line_number_fg Undocumented
Instance Variable line_number_italic Undocumented
Instance Variable line_number_pad Undocumented
Instance Variable line_number_separator Undocumented
Instance Variable line_number_start Undocumented
Instance Variable line_number_step Undocumented
Instance Variable line_number_width Undocumented
Instance Variable line_numbers Undocumented
Instance Variable line_pad Undocumented
Instance Variable maxcharno Undocumented
Instance Variable maxlinelength Undocumented
Instance Variable maxlineno Undocumented
Instance Variable styles Undocumented
Method _create_drawables Create drawables for the token content.
Method _draw_line_numbers Create drawables for the line numbers.
Method _draw_linenumber Remember a line number drawable to paint later.
Method _draw_text Remember a single drawable tuple to paint later.
Method _get_char_width Get the width of a character.
Method _get_char_x Get the X coordinate of a character position.
Method _get_image_size Get the required image size.
Method _get_line_height Get the height of a line.
Method _get_line_y Get the Y coordinate of a line number.
Method _get_linenumber_pos Get the actual position for the start of a line number.
Method _get_style_font Get the correct font for the style.
Method _get_text_bg_color Get the correct background color for the token from the style.
Method _get_text_color Get the correct color for the token from the style.
Method _get_text_pos Get the actual position for a character and line position.
Method _paint_line_number_bg Paint the line number background on the image.

Inherited from Formatter:

Instance Variable full Undocumented
Instance Variable options Undocumented
Instance Variable style Undocumented
Instance Variable title Undocumented
def __init__(self, **options): (source)

See the class docstring for explanation of options.

def format(self, tokensource, outfile): (source)

Format ``tokensource``, an iterable of ``(tokentype, tokenstring)`` tuples and write it into ``outfile``. This implementation calculates where it should draw each token on the pixmap, then calculates the required pixmap size and draws the items.

def get_style_defs(self, arg=''): (source)

Return the style definitions for the current style as a string. ``arg`` is an additional argument whose meaning depends on the formatter used. Note that ``arg`` can also be a list or tuple for some formatters like the html formatter.

background_color: str = (source)


drawables: list = (source)





hl_color = (source)


hl_lines: list = (source)


image_format = (source)


image_pad = (source)


line_number_bg = (source)


line_number_bold = (source)


line_number_chars = (source)


line_number_fg = (source)


line_number_italic = (source)


line_number_pad = (source)


line_number_separator = (source)


line_number_start = (source)


line_number_step = (source)


line_number_width = (source)


line_numbers = (source)


line_pad = (source)


maxcharno = (source)


maxlinelength = (source)


maxlineno = (source)



def _create_drawables(self, tokensource): (source)

Create drawables for the token content.

def _draw_line_numbers(self): (source)

Create drawables for the line numbers.

def _draw_linenumber(self, posno, lineno): (source)

Remember a line number drawable to paint later.

def _draw_text(self, pos, text, font, text_fg, text_bg): (source)

Remember a single drawable tuple to paint later.

def _get_char_width(self): (source)

Get the width of a character.

def _get_char_x(self, linelength): (source)

Get the X coordinate of a character position.

def _get_image_size(self, maxlinelength, maxlineno): (source)

Get the required image size.

def _get_line_height(self): (source)

Get the height of a line.

def _get_line_y(self, lineno): (source)

Get the Y coordinate of a line number.

def _get_linenumber_pos(self, lineno): (source)

Get the actual position for the start of a line number.

def _get_style_font(self, style): (source)

Get the correct font for the style.

def _get_text_bg_color(self, style): (source)

Get the correct background color for the token from the style.

def _get_text_color(self, style): (source)

Get the correct color for the token from the style.

def _get_text_pos(self, linelength, lineno): (source)

Get the actual position for a character and line position.

def _paint_line_number_bg(self, im): (source)

Paint the line number background on the image.