module documentation

pygments.token ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Basic token types and the standard tokens. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2022 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.

Function is_token_subtype Return True if ``ttype`` is a subtype of ``other``.
Function string_to_tokentype Convert a string into a token type::
Constant STANDARD_TYPES Undocumented
Variable Token Undocumented
Class _TokenType Undocumented
def is_token_subtype(ttype, other): (source)

Return True if ``ttype`` is a subtype of ``other``. exists for backwards compatibility. use ``ttype in other`` now.

def string_to_tokentype(s): (source)

Convert a string into a token type:: >>> string_to_token('String.Double') Token.Literal.String.Double >>> string_to_token('Token.Literal.Number') Token.Literal.Number >>> string_to_token('') Token Tokens that are already tokens are returned unchanged: >>> string_to_token(String) Token.Literal.String



{Token: '',
 Text: '',
 Whitespace: 'w',
 Escape: 'esc',
 Error: 'err',
 Other: 'x',
 Keyword: 'k',
