package documentation


Module find_functional_tests No module docstring; 3/3 constants, 1/1 function documented
Module lint_module_output_update Undocumented
Module test_file Undocumented


Class FunctionalTestFile A single functional test case file with options.
Class LintModuleOutputUpdate Class to be used if expected output files should be updated instead of checked.
Exception NoFileError Undocumented
Function get_functional_test_files_from_directory Get all functional tests in the input_dir.
Function parse_python_version Convert python version to a tuple of integers for easy comparison.
Constant REASONABLY_DISPLAYABLE_VERTICALLY 'Wet finger' number of files that are reasonable to display by an IDE.

'Wet finger' number of files that are reasonable to display by an IDE.

def get_functional_test_files_from_directory(input_dir: Path|str) -> list[FunctionalTestFile]: (source)

Get all functional tests in the input_dir.

def parse_python_version(ver_str: str) -> tuple[int, ...]: (source)

Convert python version to a tuple of integers for easy comparison.