class documentation


Class Method from_csv Create an OutputLine from a comma separated list (the functional tests expected output .txt files).
Class Method from_msg Create an OutputLine from a Pylint Message.
Method to_csv Convert an OutputLine to a tuple of string to be written by a csv-writer.
Class Variable column Undocumented
Class Variable confidence Undocumented
Class Variable end_column Undocumented
Class Variable end_lineno Undocumented
Class Variable lineno Undocumented
Class Variable msg Undocumented
Class Variable object Undocumented
Class Variable symbol Undocumented
Static Method _get_column Handle column numbers except for python < 3.8.
Static Method _get_py38_none_value Used to make end_line and end_column None as indicated by our version compared to `min_pyver_end_position`.
Static Method _value_to_optional_int Checks if a (stringified) value should be None or a Python integer.
def from_csv(cls, row: Sequence[str]|str, check_endline: bool = True) -> OutputLine: (source)

Create an OutputLine from a comma separated list (the functional tests expected output .txt files).

def from_msg(cls, msg: Message, check_endline: bool = True) -> OutputLine: (source)

Create an OutputLine from a Pylint Message.

def to_csv(self) -> tuple[str, str, str, str, str, str, str, str]: (source)

Convert an OutputLine to a tuple of string to be written by a csv-writer.


confidence: str = (source)


end_column: int|None = (source)


end_lineno: int|None = (source)






def _get_column(column: str|int) -> int: (source)

Handle column numbers except for python < 3.8. The ast parser in those versions doesn't return them.

def _get_py38_none_value(value: _T, check_endline: bool) -> _T|None: (source)

Used to make end_line and end_column None as indicated by our version compared to `min_pyver_end_position`.

def _value_to_optional_int(value: str|None) -> int|None: (source)

Checks if a (stringified) value should be None or a Python integer.