class documentation

class isoparser(object): (source)

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Method __init__ :param sep: A single character that separates date and time portions. If ``None``, the parser will accept any single character. For strict ISO-8601 adherence, pass ``'T'``.
Method isoparse Parse an ISO-8601 datetime string into a :class:`datetime.datetime`.
Method parse_isodate Parse the date portion of an ISO string.
Method parse_isotime Parse the time portion of an ISO string.
Method parse_tzstr Parse a valid ISO time zone string.
Method _calculate_weekdate Calculate the day of corresponding to the ISO year-week-day calendar.
Method _parse_isodate Undocumented
Method _parse_isodate_common Undocumented
Method _parse_isodate_uncommon Undocumented
Method _parse_isotime Undocumented
Method _parse_tzstr Undocumented
Constant _DATE_SEP Undocumented
Constant _FRACTION_REGEX Undocumented
Constant _TIME_SEP Undocumented
Instance Variable _sep Undocumented
def __init__(self, sep=None): (source)

:param sep: A single character that separates date and time portions. If ``None``, the parser will accept any single character. For strict ISO-8601 adherence, pass ``'T'``.

def isoparse(self, dt_str): (source)

Parse an ISO-8601 datetime string into a :class:`datetime.datetime`. An ISO-8601 datetime string consists of a date portion, followed optionally by a time portion - the date and time portions are separated by a single character separator, which is ``T`` in the official standard. Incomplete date formats (such as ``YYYY-MM``) may *not* be combined with a time portion. Supported date formats are: Common: - ``YYYY`` - ``YYYY-MM`` or ``YYYYMM`` - ``YYYY-MM-DD`` or ``YYYYMMDD`` Uncommon: - ``YYYY-Www`` or ``YYYYWww`` - ISO week (day defaults to 0) - ``YYYY-Www-D`` or ``YYYYWwwD`` - ISO week and day The ISO week and day numbering follows the same logic as :func:``. Supported time formats are: - ``hh`` - ``hh:mm`` or ``hhmm`` - ``hh:mm:ss`` or ``hhmmss`` - ``hh:mm:ss.ssssss`` (Up to 6 sub-second digits) Midnight is a special case for `hh`, as the standard supports both 00:00 and 24:00 as a representation. The decimal separator can be either a dot or a comma. .. caution:: Support for fractional components other than seconds is part of the ISO-8601 standard, but is not currently implemented in this parser. Supported time zone offset formats are: - `Z` (UTC) - `±HH:MM` - `±HHMM` - `±HH` Offsets will be represented as :class:`` objects, with the exception of UTC, which will be represented as :class:``. Time zone offsets equivalent to UTC (such as `+00:00`) will also be represented as :class:``. :param dt_str: A string or stream containing only an ISO-8601 datetime string :return: Returns a :class:`datetime.datetime` representing the string. Unspecified components default to their lowest value. .. warning:: As of version 2.7.0, the strictness of the parser should not be considered a stable part of the contract. Any valid ISO-8601 string that parses correctly with the default settings will continue to parse correctly in future versions, but invalid strings that currently fail (e.g. ``2017-01-01T00:00+00:00:00``) are not guaranteed to continue failing in future versions if they encode a valid date. .. versionadded:: 2.7.0

def parse_isodate(self, datestr): (source)

Parse the date portion of an ISO string. :param datestr: The string portion of an ISO string, without a separator :return: Returns a :class:`` object

def parse_isotime(self, timestr): (source)

Parse the time portion of an ISO string. :param timestr: The time portion of an ISO string, without a separator :return: Returns a :class:`datetime.time` object

def parse_tzstr(self, tzstr, zero_as_utc=True): (source)

Parse a valid ISO time zone string. See :func:`isoparser.isoparse` for details on supported formats. :param tzstr: A string representing an ISO time zone offset :param zero_as_utc: Whether to return :class:`` for zero-offset zones :return: Returns :class:`` for offsets and :class:`` for ``Z`` and (if ``zero_as_utc`` is specified) offsets equivalent to UTC.

def _calculate_weekdate(self, year, week, day): (source)

Calculate the day of corresponding to the ISO year-week-day calendar. This function is effectively the inverse of :func:``. :param year: The year in the ISO calendar :param week: The week in the ISO calendar - range is [1, 53] :param day: The day in the ISO calendar - range is [1 (MON), 7 (SUN)] :return: Returns a :class:``

def _parse_isodate(self, dt_str): (source)


def _parse_isodate_common(self, dt_str): (source)


def _parse_isodate_uncommon(self, dt_str): (source)


def _parse_isotime(self, timestr): (source)


def _parse_tzstr(self, tzstr, zero_as_utc=True): (source)


_DATE_SEP: bytes = (source)


_FRACTION_REGEX = (source)


_TIME_SEP: bytes = (source)


_sep = (source)
