class documentation


Method __contains__ Undocumented
Method __getitem__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __iter__ Undocumented
Method after Returns the first recurrence after the given datetime instance. The inc keyword defines what happens if dt is an occurrence. With inc=True, if dt itself is an occurrence, it will be returned.
Method before Returns the last recurrence before the given datetime instance. The inc keyword defines what happens if dt is an occurrence. With inc=True, if dt itself is an occurrence, it will be returned.
Method between Returns all the occurrences of the rrule between after and before. The inc keyword defines what happens if after and/or before are themselves occurrences. With inc=True, they will be included in the list, if they are found in the recurrence set...
Method count Returns the number of recurrences in this set. It will have go trough the whole recurrence, if this hasn't been done before.
Method xafter Generator which yields up to `count` recurrences after the given datetime instance, equivalent to `after`.
Method _invalidate_cache Undocumented
Method _iter_cached Undocumented
Instance Variable _cache Undocumented
Instance Variable _cache_complete Undocumented
Instance Variable _cache_gen Undocumented
Instance Variable _cache_lock Undocumented
Instance Variable _len Undocumented
def __contains__(self, item): (source)


def __getitem__(self, item): (source)


def __init__(self, cache=False): (source)


def __iter__(self): (source)


def after(self, dt, inc=False): (source)

Returns the first recurrence after the given datetime instance. The inc keyword defines what happens if dt is an occurrence. With inc=True, if dt itself is an occurrence, it will be returned.

def before(self, dt, inc=False): (source)

Returns the last recurrence before the given datetime instance. The inc keyword defines what happens if dt is an occurrence. With inc=True, if dt itself is an occurrence, it will be returned.

def between(self, after, before, inc=False, count=1): (source)

Returns all the occurrences of the rrule between after and before. The inc keyword defines what happens if after and/or before are themselves occurrences. With inc=True, they will be included in the list, if they are found in the recurrence set.

def count(self): (source)

Returns the number of recurrences in this set. It will have go trough the whole recurrence, if this hasn't been done before.

def xafter(self, dt, count=None, inc=False): (source)

Generator which yields up to `count` recurrences after the given datetime instance, equivalent to `after`. :param dt: The datetime at which to start generating recurrences. :param count: The maximum number of recurrences to generate. If `None` (default), dates are generated until the recurrence rule is exhausted. :param inc: If `dt` is an instance of the rule and `inc` is `True`, it is included in the output. :yields: Yields a sequence of `datetime` objects.

def _invalidate_cache(self): (source)


def _iter_cached(self): (source)


_cache: list = (source)


_cache_complete: bool = (source)


_cache_gen = (source)


_cache_lock = (source)
