class documentation

Class for accessing ``tzres.dll``, which contains timezone name related resources. .. versionadded:: 2.5.0

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method load_name Load a timezone name from a DLL offset (integer).
Method name_from_string Parse strings as returned from the Windows registry into the time zone name as defined in the registry.
Class Variable p_wchar Undocumented
Instance Variable LoadStringW Undocumented
Instance Variable tzres_loc Undocumented
Instance Variable _tzres Undocumented
def __init__(self, tzres_loc='tzres.dll'): (source)


def load_name(self, offset): (source)

Load a timezone name from a DLL offset (integer). >>> from dateutil.tzwin import tzres >>> tzr = tzres() >>> print(tzr.load_name(112)) 'Eastern Standard Time' :param offset: A positive integer value referring to a string from the tzres dll. .. note:: Offsets found in the registry are generally of the form ``@tzres.dll,-114``. The offset in this case is 114, not -114.

def name_from_string(self, tzname_str): (source)

Parse strings as returned from the Windows registry into the time zone name as defined in the registry. >>> from dateutil.tzwin import tzres >>> tzr = tzres() >>> print(tzr.name_from_string('@tzres.dll,-251')) 'Dateline Daylight Time' >>> print(tzr.name_from_string('Eastern Standard Time')) 'Eastern Standard Time' :param tzname_str: A timezone name string as returned from a Windows registry key. :return: Returns the localized timezone string from tzres.dll if the string is of the form `@tzres.dll,-offset`, else returns the input string.

p_wchar = (source)


LoadStringW = (source)


tzres_loc = (source)


_tzres = (source)
