package documentation


Module control_flow Computes the control flow graph for a Python program from its AST.
Module control_flow_graphviz Graphviz render for control flow graphs.
Module control_flow_graphviz_test Tests for
Module control_flow_test Tests for
Module control_flow_test_components Test components for testing control flow.
Module control_flow_visualizer Create control flow graph visualizations for the test components.
Module cyclomatic_complexity Computes the cyclomatic complexity of a program or control flow graph.
Module cyclomatic_complexity_test Tests for
Module data_flow Data flow analysis of Python programs.
Module data_flow_test Tests for
Module instruction An Instruction represents an executable unit of a Python program.
Module instruction_test Tests for instruction module.
Module program_graph Creates ProgramGraphs from a program or function's AST.
Module program_graph_dataclasses The dataclasses for representing a Program Graph.
Module program_graph_graphviz Graphviz visualizations of Program Graphs.
Module program_graph_graphviz_test Tests for
Module program_graph_test Tests for
Module program_graph_test_components Test components for testing program graphs.
Module program_graph_visualizer Create program graph visualizations for the test components.
Module program_utils Program utility functions.