class documentation

NmapDiff compares two objects of same type to enable the user to check: - what has changed - what has been added - what has been removed - what was kept unchanged NmapDiff inherit from DictDiffer which makes the actual comparison. The different methods from DictDiffer used by NmapDiff are the following: - NmapDiff.changed() - NmapDiff.added() - NmapDiff.removed() - NmapDiff.unchanged() Each of the returns a python set() of key which have changed in the compared objects. To check the different keys that could be returned, refer to the get_dict() method of the objects you which to compare (i.e: libnmap.objects.NmapHost, NmapService,...).

Method __init__ Constructor of NmapDiff:
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Instance Variable object1 Undocumented
Instance Variable object2 Undocumented

Inherited from DictDiffer:

Method added Undocumented
Method changed Undocumented
Method removed Undocumented
Method unchanged Undocumented
Instance Variable current_dict Undocumented
Instance Variable intersect Undocumented
Instance Variable past_dict Undocumented
Instance Variable set_current Undocumented
Instance Variable set_past Undocumented
def __init__(self, nmap_obj1, nmap_obj2): (source)

Constructor of NmapDiff: - Checks if the two objects are of the same class - Checks if the objects are "comparable" via a call to id() (dirty) - Inherits from DictDiffer and

def __repr__(self): (source)


