class documentation

class NmapProcess(Thread): (source)

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NmapProcess is a class which wraps around the nmap executable. Consequently, in order to run an NmapProcess, nmap should be installed on the host running the script. By default NmapProcess will produce the output of the nmap scan in the nmap XML format. This could be then parsed out via the NmapParser class from libnmap.parser module.

Method __init__ Constructor of NmapProcess class.
Method get_command_line Public method returning the reconstructed command line ran via the lib
Method has_failed Checks if nmap has failed.
Method has_terminated Checks if nmap has terminated. Could have failed or succeeded
Method is_running Checks if nmap is still running.
Method is_successful Checks if nmap terminated successfully.
Method run Public method which is usually called right after the constructor of NmapProcess. This method starts the nmap executable's subprocess. It will also bind a Process that will read from subprocess' stdout and stderr and push the lines read in a python queue for futher processing...
Method run_background run nmap scan in background as a thread. For privileged scans, consider NmapProcess.sudo_run_background()
Method stop Send KILL -15 to the nmap subprocess and gently ask the threads to stop.
Method sudo_run Public method enabling the library's user to run the scan with privileges via sudo. The sudo configuration should be set manually on the local system otherwise sudo will prompt for a password. This method alters the command line by prefixing the sudo command to nmap and will then call self...
Method sudo_run_background Public method enabling the library's user to run in background a nmap scan with privileges via sudo. The sudo configuration should be set manually on the local system otherwise sudo will prompt for a password...
Instance Variable CANCELLED Undocumented
Instance Variable DONE Undocumented
Instance Variable FAILED Undocumented
Instance Variable READY Undocumented
Instance Variable RUNNING Undocumented
Property command return the constructed nmap command or empty string if not constructed yet.
Property current_task Accessor for the current NmapTask beeing run
Property elapsed Accessor returning for how long the scan ran (in seconds)
Property endtime Accessor for time when scan ended
Property etc Accessor for estimated time to completion
Property options Provides the list of options for that scan
Property progress Accessor for progress status in percentage
Property rc Accessor for nmap execution's return code
Property starttime Accessor for time when scan started
Property state Accessor for nmap execution state. Possible states are:
Property stderr Accessor for nmap standart error
Property stdout Accessor for nmap standart output
Property summary Accessor returning a short summary of the scan's results
Property targets Provides the list of targets to scan
Property tasks Accessor returning for the list of tasks ran during nmap scan
Property version Accessor for nmap binary version number
Static Method __validate_target Check if a provided target is valid. This function was created in order to address CVE-2022-30284
Method __build_windows_cmdline Undocumented
Method __process_event Private method called while nmap process is running. It enables the library to handle specific data/events produced by nmap process. So far, the following events are supported:
Method __process_nmap_proc_stdout Undocumented
Method _ensure_user_exists Undocumented
Method _run_init Undocumented
Method _whereis Protected method enabling the object to find the full path of a binary from its PATH environment variable.
Instance Variable __current_task Undocumented
Instance Variable __elapsed Undocumented
Instance Variable __endtime Undocumented
Instance Variable __is_windows Undocumented
Instance Variable __nmap_binary Undocumented
Instance Variable __nmap_command_line Undocumented
Instance Variable __nmap_dynamic_options Undocumented
Instance Variable __nmap_event_callback Undocumented
Instance Variable __nmap_fixed_options Undocumented
Instance Variable __nmap_proc Undocumented
Instance Variable __nmap_rc Undocumented
Instance Variable __nmap_targets Undocumented
Instance Variable __nmap_tasks Undocumented
Instance Variable __starttime Undocumented
Instance Variable __state Undocumented
Instance Variable __stderr Undocumented
Instance Variable __stdout Undocumented
Instance Variable __sudo_run Undocumented
Instance Variable __summary Undocumented
Instance Variable __version Undocumented
Instance Variable _nmap_options Undocumented
def __init__(self, targets='', options='-sT', event_callback=None, safe_mode=True, fqp=None): (source)

Constructor of NmapProcess class. :param targets: hosts to be scanned. Could be a string of hosts separated with a coma or a python list of hosts/ip. :type targets: string or list :param options: list of nmap options to be applied to scan. These options are all documented in nmap's man pages. :param event_callback: callable function which will be ran each time nmap process outputs data. This function will receive two parameters: 1. the nmap process object 2. the data produced by nmap process. See readme for examples. :param safe_mode: parameter to protect unsafe options like -oN, -oG, -iL, -oA,... :param fqp: full qualified path, if None, nmap will be searched in the PATH :return: NmapProcess object

def get_command_line(self): (source)

Public method returning the reconstructed command line ran via the lib :return: the full nmap command line to run :rtype: string

def has_failed(self): (source)

Checks if nmap has failed. :return: True if nmap process errored.

def has_terminated(self): (source)

Checks if nmap has terminated. Could have failed or succeeded :return: True if nmap process is not running anymore.

def is_running(self): (source)

Checks if nmap is still running. :return: True if nmap is still running

def is_successful(self): (source)

Checks if nmap terminated successfully. :return: True if nmap terminated successfully.

def run(self): (source)

Public method which is usually called right after the constructor of NmapProcess. This method starts the nmap executable's subprocess. It will also bind a Process that will read from subprocess' stdout and stderr and push the lines read in a python queue for futher processing. This processing is waken-up each time data is pushed from the nmap binary into the stdout reading routine. Processing could be performed by a user-provided callback. The whole NmapProcess object could be accessible asynchroneously. return: return code from nmap execution

def run_background(self): (source)

run nmap scan in background as a thread. For privileged scans, consider NmapProcess.sudo_run_background()

def stop(self): (source)

Send KILL -15 to the nmap subprocess and gently ask the threads to stop.

def sudo_run(self, run_as='root'): (source)

Public method enabling the library's user to run the scan with privileges via sudo. The sudo configuration should be set manually on the local system otherwise sudo will prompt for a password. This method alters the command line by prefixing the sudo command to nmap and will then call :param run_as: user name to which the lib needs to sudo to run the scan :return: return code from nmap execution

def sudo_run_background(self, run_as='root'): (source)

Public method enabling the library's user to run in background a nmap scan with privileges via sudo. The sudo configuration should be set manually on the local system otherwise sudo will prompt for a password. This method alters the command line by prefixing the sudo command to nmap and will then call :param run_as: user name to which the lib needs to sudo to run the scan :return: return code from nmap execution

CANCELLED = (source)






return the constructed nmap command or empty string if not constructed yet. :return: string

current_task = (source)

Accessor for the current NmapTask beeing run :return: NmapTask or None if no task started yet

Accessor returning for how long the scan ran (in seconds) :return: string

Accessor for time when scan ended :return: string. Unix timestamp

Accessor for estimated time to completion :return: estimated time to completion

Provides the list of options for that scan :return: list of string (nmap options)

Accessor for progress status in percentage :return: percentage of job processed.

Accessor for nmap execution's return code :return: nmap execution's return code

Accessor for time when scan started :return: string. Unix timestamp

Accessor for nmap execution state. Possible states are: - self.READY - self.RUNNING - self.FAILED - self.CANCELLED - self.DONE :return: integer (from above documented enum)

Accessor for nmap standart error :return: output from nmap when errors occured. :rtype: string

Accessor for nmap standart output :return: output from nmap scan in XML :rtype: string

Accessor returning a short summary of the scan's results :return: string

Provides the list of targets to scan :return: list of string

Accessor returning for the list of tasks ran during nmap scan :return: dict of NmapTask object

Accessor for nmap binary version number :return: version number of nmap binary :rtype: string

def __validate_target(target): (source)

Check if a provided target is valid. This function was created in order to address CVE-2022-30284 See for all the ways targets can be specified This function verifies the following: - matches the user specified target against a list of allowed chars - check if dashes are used at the start or at the end of target FQDN can contain dashes anywhere except at the beginning or end This check also fixes/prevents CVE-2022-30284, which depends on being able to pass options such as --script as a target :return: False if target contains forbidden characters

def __build_windows_cmdline(self): (source)


def __process_event(self, eventdata): (source)

Private method called while nmap process is running. It enables the library to handle specific data/events produced by nmap process. So far, the following events are supported: 1. task progress: updates estimated time to completion and percentage done while scan is running. Could be used in combination with a callback function which could then handle this data while scan is running. 2. nmap run: header of the scan. Usually displayed when nmap is started 3. finished: when nmap scan ends. :return: True is event is known. :todo: handle parsing directly via NmapParser.parse()

def __process_nmap_proc_stdout(self): (source)


def _ensure_user_exists(self, username=''): (source)


def _run_init(self): (source)


def _whereis(self, program): (source)

Protected method enabling the object to find the full path of a binary from its PATH environment variable. :param program: name of a binary for which the full path needs to be discovered. :return: the full path to the binary. :todo: add a default path list in case PATH is empty.

__current_task = (source)


__elapsed: str = (source)


__endtime: int = (source)


__is_windows = (source)


__nmap_binary = (source)


__nmap_command_line = (source)


__nmap_dynamic_options = (source)


__nmap_event_callback = (source)


__nmap_fixed_options: str = (source)


__nmap_proc = (source)


__nmap_rc = (source)


__nmap_targets = (source)


__nmap_tasks: dict = (source)


__starttime: int = (source)



__stderr: str = (source)


__stdout: str = (source)


__sudo_run = (source)


__summary: str = (source)


__version: str = (source)


_nmap_options = (source)
