module documentation

Classes that need special handling, typically due to code generation.

Function build_class Handle classes whose subclasses define their own class constructors.
Function maybe_build_from_mro Try to build a special class from the MRO of an abstract class.
Function maybe_build_from_pytd Try to build a special class from a pytd class.
Class _Builder Build special classes created by inheriting from a specific class.
Class _NamedTupleBuilder Build a namedtuple.
Class _TypedDictBuilder Build a typed dict.
Constant _BUILDERS Undocumented
def build_class(node, props, kwargs, ctx): (source)

Handle classes whose subclasses define their own class constructors.

def maybe_build_from_mro(abstract_cls, name, pytd_cls, ctx): (source)

Try to build a special class from the MRO of an abstract class.

def maybe_build_from_pytd(name, pytd_cls, ctx): (source)

Try to build a special class from a pytd class.