module documentation

Utilities for parsing pytd files for builtins.

Class BuiltinLoader Load builtins from the pytype source tree.
Class BuiltinsAndTyping The builtins and typing modules, which need to be treated specially.
Function GetBuiltinsAndTyping Undocumented
Function GetDefaultAst Undocumented
Function GetPredefinedFile Get the contents of a predefined PyTD, typically with a file name *.pytd.
Function InvalidateCache Undocumented
Constant DEFAULT_SRC Undocumented
Variable _cached_builtins_pytd Undocumented
def GetBuiltinsAndTyping(options): (source)


def GetDefaultAst(options): (source)


def GetPredefinedFile(stubs_subdir, module, extension='.pytd', as_package=False): (source)

Get the contents of a predefined PyTD, typically with a file name *.pytd. Arguments: stubs_subdir: the directory, typically "builtins" or "stdlib" module: module name (e.g., "sys" or "__builtins__") extension: either ".pytd" or ".py" as_package: try the module as a directory with an __init__ file Returns: The contents of the file Raises: IOError: if file not found

def InvalidateCache(): (source)


DEFAULT_SRC: str = (source)


from typing import Any
def __getattr__(name: Any) -> Any: ...
_cached_builtins_pytd: list = (source)
