package documentation


Module classdef Class definitions in pyi files.
Module conditions Process conditional blocks in pyi files.
Module definitions Construct and collect pytd definitions to build a TypeDeclUnit.
Module entire_file_parser_test Entire-file parsing test.
Module evaluator Evaluate subtrees corresponding to python literals.
Module evaluator_test Tests for pytype.pyi.evaluator.
Module function Function definitions in pyi files.
Module metadata Support for PEP593 (typing.Annotated) metadata.
Module metadata_test Tests for pytype.pyi.metadata.
Module modules Handling of module and package related details.
Module parse_pyi Testing code to run the typed_ast based pyi parser.
Module parser Parse a pyi file using typed_ast.
Module parser_test No module docstring; 4/28 classes documented
Module parser_test_base Base code for pyi parsing tests.
Module types Common datatypes and pytd utilities.
Module visitor Base visitor for typed_ast parse trees.