module documentation

Base class for visitors.

Class Visitor Base class for visitors.
Constant ALL_NODE_NAMES Undocumented
Class _NodeClassInfo Representation of a node class in the graph.
Function _FindNodeClasses Yields _NodeClassInfo objects for each node found in pytd.
Function _GetAncestorMap Return a map of node class names to a set of ancestor class names.
Function _GetChildTypes Get all the types that can be in a node's subtree.
Constant _IGNORED_TYPES Undocumented
Variable _ancestor_map Undocumented
ALL_NODE_NAMES = (source)


type('contains_everything', (), {'__contains__': (lambda *args: True)})()
def _FindNodeClasses(): (source)

Yields _NodeClassInfo objects for each node found in pytd.

def _GetAncestorMap(): (source)

Return a map of node class names to a set of ancestor class names.

def _GetChildTypes(node_classes, cls: Any): (source)

Get all the types that can be in a node's subtree.

_IGNORED_TYPES = (source)


frozenset([str, bool, int, type(None), Any])
_ancestor_map = (source)
