class documentation

Test the node.Node class generator.

Method test_deep_eq2 Test the __eq__ and __ne__ functions of differing nested nodes.
Method test_deep_hash2 Undocumented
Method test_eq1 Test the __eq__ and __ne__ functions of node.Node.
Method test_eq2 Test the __eq__ and __ne__ functions of identical nested nodes.
Method test_hash1 Undocumented
Method test_hash2 Undocumented
Method test_immutable Test that node.Node has/preserves immutatibility.
Method test_ordering Undocumented
Method test_recursion Test node.Node.Visit() for visitors that preserve attributes.
Method test_skip_visitor Undocumented
Method test_tuple Test node.Node.Visit() for nodes that contain tuples.
Method test_visitor1 Test node.Node.Visit() for a visitor that modifies leaf nodes.
Method test_visitor2 Test node.Node.Visit() for visitors that modify inner nodes.
def test_deep_eq2(self): (source)

Test the __eq__ and __ne__ functions of differing nested nodes.

def test_deep_hash2(self): (source)


def test_eq1(self): (source)

Test the __eq__ and __ne__ functions of node.Node.

def test_eq2(self): (source)

Test the __eq__ and __ne__ functions of identical nested nodes.

def test_hash1(self): (source)


def test_hash2(self): (source)


def test_immutable(self): (source)

Test that node.Node has/preserves immutatibility.

def test_ordering(self): (source)


def test_recursion(self): (source)

Test node.Node.Visit() for visitors that preserve attributes.

def test_skip_visitor(self): (source)


def test_tuple(self): (source)

Test node.Node.Visit() for nodes that contain tuples.

def test_visitor1(self): (source)

Test node.Node.Visit() for a visitor that modifies leaf nodes.

def test_visitor2(self): (source)

Test node.Node.Visit() for visitors that modify inner nodes.