class documentation

The data pickled to disk to save an ast. Attributes: ast: The TypeDeclUnit representing the serialized module. dependencies: A list of modules this AST depends on. The modules are represented as Fully Qualified names. E.g. This set will also contain the module being imported, if the module is not empty. Therefore it might be different from the set found by visitors.CollectDependencies in load_pytd._load_and_resolve_ast_dependencies. late_dependencies: This AST's late dependencies. class_type_nodes: A list of all the ClassType instances in ast or None. If this list is provided only the ClassType instances in the list will be visited and have their .cls set. If this attribute is None the whole AST will be visited and all found ClassType instances will have their .cls set. src_path: Optionally, the filepath of the original source file. metadata: A list of arbitrary string-encoded metadata.

Inherited from SerializableTupleClass:

Class Variable ast Undocumented
Class Variable class_type_nodes Undocumented
Class Variable dependencies Undocumented
Class Variable late_dependencies Undocumented
Class Variable metadata Undocumented
Class Variable src_path Undocumented