class documentation

Immutable state object, for attaching to opcodes.

Class Method init Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __setattribute__ Undocumented
Method change_cfg_node Undocumented
Method connect_to_cfg_node Undocumented
Method forward_cfg_node Create a new CFG Node connected to the current cfg node.
Method merge_into Merge with another state.
Method peek Get a value `n` entries down in the stack, without changing the stack.
Method pop Pop a value from the value stack.
Method pop_and_discard Pop a value from the value stack and discard it.
Method pop_block Pop a block from the block stack.
Method popn Return n values, ordered oldest-to-newest.
Method push Push value(s) onto the value stack.
Method push_block Push a block on to the block stack.
Method rotn Rotate the top n values by one.
Method set_exception Undocumented
Method set_second Replace second element of data stack with value.
Method set_stack Undocumented
Method set_top Replace top of data stack with value.
Method set_why Undocumented
Method top Undocumented
Method topn Undocumented
Class Variable __slots__ Undocumented
Instance Variable block_stack Undocumented
Instance Variable data_stack Undocumented
Instance Variable exception Undocumented
Instance Variable node Undocumented
Instance Variable why Undocumented

Inherited from ContextWeakrefMixin:

Instance Variable ctx_weakref Undocumented
Property ctx Undocumented
def init(cls, node, ctx): (source)


def __init__(self, data_stack, block_stack, node, ctx, exception, why): (source)
def __setattribute__(self): (source)


def change_cfg_node(self, node: cfg.CFGNode) -> FrameState: (source)


def connect_to_cfg_node(self, node): (source)


def forward_cfg_node(self, new_name, condition=None): (source)

Create a new CFG Node connected to the current cfg node. Args: new_name: A name for the new node. condition: A cfg.Binding representing the condition that needs to be true for this node to be reached. Returns: A new state which is the same as this state except for the node, which is the new one.

def merge_into(self, other): (source)

Merge with another state.

def peek(self, n): (source)

Get a value `n` entries down in the stack, without changing the stack.

def pop(self): (source)

Pop a value from the value stack.

def pop_and_discard(self): (source)

Pop a value from the value stack and discard it.

def pop_block(self): (source)

Pop a block from the block stack.

def popn(self, n): (source)

Return n values, ordered oldest-to-newest.

def push(self, *values): (source)

Push value(s) onto the value stack.

def push_block(self, block): (source)

Push a block on to the block stack.

def rotn(self, n): (source)

Rotate the top n values by one.

def set_exception(self): (source)


def set_second(self, value): (source)

Replace second element of data stack with value.

def set_stack(self, new_stack): (source)


def set_top(self, value): (source)

Replace top of data stack with value.

def set_why(self, why): (source)


def top(self): (source)


def topn(self, n): (source)


block_stack = (source)


data_stack = (source)


exception = (source)


